7th Annual BOINC Pentathlon: 5th - 19th June 2016

CSG are just running down the remains of the last batch of work, should all be done in a day I think. By all means get machines ready and crunch but it's unlikely that any of this old work will count towards the challenge (but will toward FB and Vault positions :) )

The project also only allows you to download a certain number of tasks concurrently per machine so bunkering will not be so much of an issue. Building up pending credit when the new work is released will help though.

SubsetSum work is fixed credit of 98.47 and works faster on linux and doesn't use much memory.
DNA work is variable credit and pays a bit more than SubsetSum to compensate for work units using a lot more memory. I think DNA might be slightly faster on Windows, anyone confirm/deny that ?
I assume they asked/let Travis know CSG was chosen.
He's probably just trying to get the old stuff finished first if he can before sending new work out. Unless he has changed it recently any work that fails gets sent to the back of the queue so he won't want any last minute failures to get put behind all the new stuff. All the old work already sent out expires before the challenge starts, unless it gets resent due to an error/abort from tomorrow onwards.

Whenever he releases the work it will test his servers as everybody tries to grab it but ideally you don't want it to happen exactly the same time as the challenge starts as that wouldn't go down well.
LOL. its currently of and wont turn back on. I think its the psu, I hope it is inaway as its cheaper than a new g34 board
You haven't got a spare PSU to test it with ?

City Run has been announced as POGS from 6th June 0.00 (UTC) till 11th.

motherboard has flashing green LED , when I plug in the power lead into the psu the cpu fans spin for a moment then stop. I also removed the psu connections and connected / green and black from the 24 pin block with a fan hooked up and the fan ran.
ok got csg and pogs doing some work as and when to build up the pending :)

ah well maybe not so good to do lol

The project for the Marathon of the seventh BOINC Pentathlon is:
Citizen Science Grid (http://csgrid.org/csg/)

Attention: If you want to pile up workunits, please note that this project's deadline is only 4 days.

All credits granted between
05 Jun 2016, 0.00 (UTC) and
19 Jun 2016, 0.00 (UTC) will be taken into the BOINC Pentathlon validation. Please note that pending credits cannot be taken into account! The statistics for this project can be found at
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well, it seems its the motherboard :( I tried a my seasonic psu on it while also removing all but 1 stick of ram, nothing. just a green bliking LED on the motherboard. ill try it with only 1 cpu in slot 0 to see if itll boot that way.

so I did just try swapping both cpus around, I also tried 2 other cpus aswell, nothing :( looks like its a dead board which is strange as I only shut it down for a reboot

after even more testing , its pretty much 99% a dead board. the psu has been tested in another pc and works, and the working psu from the pc tested on the server board, nothing :(:(

I wonder if the high temps have had anything to do with it, and its over heated and burnt somthing
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Have you tried taking all the memory out to give it another, maybe earlier in the boot cycle, problem to worry about ?

No beep codes to look up ?
ive tried everything, then I tried it all again with a different PSU.

there is another board the same in the usa , no chance of it getting here any time soon if I was to order it
I found a post some were on this forum from another user with the same board or nearly the same, and the same problem, seems the blinking light he had is aimed towards a goosed board. pretty p1$$ed off tbh.

im going to look to buy something to either get this going asap or see what else is around.
in light of the sad passing on the 2p board :(, I got my self a cheapo q6600 set up until I get my self another board. I can imagen its going to be 2 / 3 x as long as my 4690k takes to complete tasks
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