I'm looking to buy the 16GB C14 kit at the discounted price but won't actually know if the RAM is good till I get my system built around the time B550 comes out. I take it we would be ok to report faults in late June for replacement?

I know these say "lifetime warranty" but I'd like some more information in regards to such a specific item. Say in 2 years time if these develop a fault, you aren't going to be able to replace these right since you will be focusing on enthusiast DDR5 by then.
I'm looking to buy the 16GB C14 kit at the discounted price but won't actually know if the RAM is good till I get my system built around the time B550 comes out. I take it we would be ok to report faults in late June for replacement?

I know these say "lifetime warranty" but I'd like some more information in regards to such a specific item. Say in 2 years time if these develop a fault, you aren't going to be able to replace these right since you will be focusing on enthusiast DDR5 by then.

THey would be replaced, for example we still get replacement for DDR3 parts. Even DDR2 in some cases.
If replacement is not possible then it would be market value credit, for example if you buy a kit today at £140, but return it after two years use then the part will be replaced with equivalent product or a credit to buy something similar or a fair value refund as of course you won't get a full refund for a product you had 2, 3 or 4 years use out of for example otherwise it would be like renting for free and nothing is free, but when it comes to memory nearly all parts are repaired/replaced.
I'm looking to buy the 16GB C14 kit at the discounted price but won't actually know if the RAM is good till I get my system built around the time B550 comes out. I take it we would be ok to report faults in late June for replacement?

@Gibbo you beat me to it and good to know that still able to get replacements for even ddr2 and ddr3

I know these say "lifetime warranty" but I'd like some more information in regards to such a specific item. Say in 2 years time if these develop a fault, you aren't going to be able to replace these right since you will be focusing on enthusiast DDR5 by then.

No warranty is truly lifetime for the reason you have given. Products get discontinued normally in such conditions they would offer a "fair market value" refund if that was to happen. Such a detailed question is best asked in the Customer service section of the forum. Also remember a retailer only covers products for 12 months, after that the warranty is the manufactures.
THey would be replaced, for example we still get replacement for DDR3 parts. Even DDR2 in some cases.
If replacement is not possible then it would be market value credit, for example if you buy a kit today at £140, but return it after two years use then the part will be replaced with equivalent product or a credit to buy something similar or a fair value refund as of course you won't get a full refund for a product you had 2, 3 or 4 years use out of for example otherwise it would be like renting for free and nothing is free, but when it comes to memory nearly all parts are repaired/replaced.
Hi did you recieve my message mate as I havent heard anything thanks
Gibbo would you be able to attach the Thaiphoon Burner XMP profile for the RAM? I want to see what the DRAM Calculator ranks these and what the Fast profile gives.
Gibbo would you be able to attach the Thaiphoon Burner XMP profile for the RAM? I want to see what the DRAM Calculator ranks these and what the Fast profile gives.
Make your own tuned profile to max out dimms properly.....
Going to try out 4 x 3600MHz in my Aorus Master and see how they do. Hoping I still get decent timings out of them. Apparently 4 x 8GB sticks tend to do better than 2 X 16GB. The opposite of what I expected but only one way to be sure...
True enough. Never had much luck with DRAM Calculator anyway. Even so this XMP profile is so sick I won't be changing it anyway. Ordered.
I suppose it will depend on the luck of the draw of the specific binned module.
Isn't that going to take a lot of time for them to test?

Best i was able to get out of my gskill kit was this and they can run quite toasty at 1.475v

As lower voltage wasn't enough
Ordered the 32GB kit in preparation for Ryzen 4000, I'm going to upgrade from Skylake. It would be silly to pass up on those specs priced that competitively.
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