If it benefits anybody looking at the out of stock 2x16GB set, I asked in the CS section if the stock due date of 13/11/20 was still looking good and was told it is still expected.

I guess the stock never arrived. Was hoping to order a set today but its still saying due today :(
I guess the stock never arrived. Was hoping to order a set today but its still saying due today :(

I ordered the day I posted and got it delivered Wednesday. I did check the store yesterday and thought it strange they hadn't updated it.
I ordered the day I posted and got it delivered Wednesday. I did check the store yesterday and thought it strange they hadn't updated it.

Hmm that's even more annoying now. Didnt order cos it said no stock. Got a x570 Tomahawk and 5600x sat here waiting on ram....

How is the ram running? Tried overclocking it yet?
Hmm that's even more annoying now. Didnt order cos it said no stock. Got a x570 Tomahawk and 5600x sat here waiting on ram....

How is the ram running? Tried overclocking it yet?

All I've done so far is set XMP and set up windows. Not tried any nore testing yet or overclocking as only just getting used to having an AMD system.
All I've done so far is set XMP and set up windows. Not tried any nore testing yet or overclocking as only just getting used to having an AMD system.
Same. What’s next / first thing on your list?
Do you need to disable XMP if overclocking memory or tightening timings? I changed PBO from auto to enabled and it seemed to clock lower than when on auto
Same. What’s next / first thing on your list?
Do you need to disable XMP if overclocking memory or tightening timings? I changed PBO from auto to enabled and it seemed to clock lower than when on auto

At the moment I've not much of a clue. I'm coming from a Sandy Bridge system from 2011 so things have changed somewhat.

Still making sure Windows is how I like it before venturing any further. Also waiting to buy an new GPU to be able to make the most out of it, so atm more happy just to make sure it's all stable at stock
At the moment I've not much of a clue. I'm coming from a Sandy Bridge system from 2011 so things have changed somewhat.

Still making sure Windows is how I like it before venturing any further. Also waiting to buy an new GPU to be able to make the most out of it, so atm more happy just to make sure it's all stable at stock
Similar, i7 4790k from 7 odd years ago.

Bios and the whole process is so much easier now! Thinks never used to work for me, this time everything working perfectly so far. Ut seems overclocking cpu isnt worth the effort but may change ram timings to tighten timings at 3600Mhz

I gamed for an hour last night and mine was stable at stock (Ryzen 5 3600)
2080Ti overclocked with the same settings as used with the 4790k.

Whats the new / best stability test for Ryzen and RAM? Probably not Prime95 any more
Similar, i7 4790k from 7 odd years ago.

Bios and the whole process is so much easier now! Thinks never used to work for me, this time everything working perfectly so far. Ut seems overclocking cpu isnt worth the effort but may change ram timings to tighten timings at 3600Mhz

I gamed for an hour last night and mine was stable at stock (Ryzen 5 3600)
2080Ti overclocked with the same settings as used with the 4790k.

Whats the new / best stability test for Ryzen and RAM? Probably not Prime95 any more

From my limited reading so far I think I'll also leave the CPU alone and twaek the memory, as it seems this RAM demands to be overclocked and we'll see a real world difference especialy in gaming. I assume that can be done without touching the CPU as I haven't read up on this Infinity Fabric and how that works yet.

so far I've only looked at Cinebench 15 and ran that a couple of times to check temps, jsut to mke sure my AIO was working Ok.
From my limited reading so far I think I'll also leave the CPU alone and twaek the memory, as it seems this RAM demands to be overclocked and we'll see a real world difference especialy in gaming. I assume that can be done without touching the CPU as I haven't read up on this Infinity Fabric and how that works yet.

so far I've only looked at Cinebench 15 and ran that a couple of times to check temps, jsut to mke sure my AIO was working Ok.
Think you’re right about not having to touch CPU.
RAM wise im just not sure if you change timings if xmp needs to be disabled or left on. More reading but so far so good
Think you’re right about not having to touch CPU.
RAM wise im just not sure if you change timings if xmp needs to be disabled or left on. More reading but so far so good

I think you will need to disable XMP and jsut enter manual timings and voltage, but best ask someone who knows what they are doing first :D

Edit - and I guess save the BIOS first, which I assume is a feature with these Tomahawks
So for example...
With your step one settings, 16 16 16 16 32 48 288, are you having everything else on auto or are you setting up the 2nd and 3rd timings as you have done above in that post? Currently trying to start your process but I'm getting two single errors in 250% in one of the windows for memtestpro.


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Your chipset and vddg voltages seem awfully high for 3600... May be worth sorting those out first before stress testing, memory timings will have little effect on those so you can tune them down before you do most of the work. Your memory voltage is a little high too for the speed and timings, it shouldnt need to be that high at all unless you have got unlucky with a stick that doesn't overclock very well. I'm also surprised to see your ProcODT value at 53.3ohms, normally I would expect to see that at 60.

Are you running 4 sticks there? If so dual rank setups will not run as tight as single rank, you should treat your setup as if it were 2 x 16gb for tuning purposes. Once you get into 4 sticks its very hard to predict behaviour, though the relationships between timings will stay the same.

First try a fan over the modules - even if its something janky and temporary for testing you need to eliminate heat as a possible source of the error.
Next try tRRDS 5, tRRDL 7, tWTRS 5, tWTRL 12, tWR 12.
If that's ok turn off Gear down mode and set command rate to 1T and test again.
If youre still stable at this point you can begin tweaking everything else then come back to tweaking back down the timings I told you to change at the end.

The hardest problems to track down are rare but repeatable errors. It becomes tedious fast as it can be a combination of settings the motherboard itself doesn't like rather than something the memory finds unstable, so following a troubleshooting path doesn't always lead you to the right place unfortunately. The best thing to do in that case is loosen everything right out and see if you still get the errors, if they don't go away you know you need to look outside of the memory timings section to find the fault (but not where to look unfortunately).

Good luck, quote me again if you have more questions :)
Your chipset and vddg voltages seem awfully high for 3600... May be worth sorting those out first before stress testing, memory timings will have little effect on those so you can tune them down before you do most of the work. Your memory voltage is a little high too for the speed and timings, it shouldnt need to be that high at all unless you have got unlucky with a stick that doesn't overclock very well. I'm also surprised to see your ProcODT value at 53.3ohms, normally I would expect to see that at 60.
Thanks, 1.2v SOC was the auto value but I've dropped it down along with the other voltages using your previous posts as a guide and upped the ProcODT to 60ohms.

Are you running 4 sticks there?

Thank's for your next suggestions and in general your write up's in this thread, some great info and explanations. I'll try them out and chase things down later.
Thanks, 1.2v SOC was the auto value but I've dropped it down along with the other voltages using your previous posts as a guide and upped the ProcODT to 60ohms.

Thank's for your next suggestions and in general your write up's in this thread, some great info and explanations. I'll try them out and chase things down later.

No worries, good luck dude!

Do take note of the last bit about loosening everything right out if you end up stuck anywhere, even going to full board autos and walking the memory up in mhz a notch at a time ignoring infinity fabric and everything else is useful. Its all about getting a stable start as high up as you can and then tweaking timings down. ZenTimings is a great lightweight app to run in windows to grab a screenshot of settings as you go, its really handy to be able to grab auto values that work as a starting point and then follow the basic rule of tuning down both the TRRD timings and TWTR timings first (aim for 4,4,4,8). If you set TFAW to 16 it will always run as low as your TRRD's allow, they take precedence so that's a bit of a shortcut you can take. Testmem 5 is a good quick test for stressing the memory bus - do note it only does memory though and not cache or infinity fabric.

Happy tuning :)
Got the 2x16GB 3600Mhz kit ( https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...00c16-3600mhz-dual-channel-kit-my-002-8p.html )

@ CAS14 (14-14-14-28-42) Set at 1.45 volts to be safe.

Is it worth leaving it at these timing or just leaving XMP enabled? (Ryzen 5 3600 CPU)

Nice setup, definitely don't go back to XMP! In particular you have done well with your tRRD, tFAW and tWTR timings. These in combination with Command Rate 1 will give you excellent gains in gaming irrespective of your other timings.

There's a few extras you could get there for free most likely:

1) tRCDWR can always go to 8 with most B-Die, its just a thing. I've not seen this fail to work yet.
2) Likewise tRP can usually go down to tCL - 2 at already stable settings, again this is usually free and just a thing it does.
3) tRAS goes below the usual formula with B-Die, reduce it slowly though as you dont want to corrupt your hdd. The idea is to find the point where it takes longer to train at post or wont quite load into windows then go up again from there. If you aren't careful you can corrupt your OS, so don't try and make it stable, consider it a hard limit for your particular chips when you find it.
4) With tRP and tRAS reduced you can then reduce tRC to the total of tRP + tRAS.
5) Once tRC is at minimum make tRFC a multiple of tRC and find the low limit - you'll be moving down in big chunks so it will no post / no boot when you find it. Don't try going below 200 unless you are happy risking your OS, most kits end up around the 220 to 250 mark. Once you have the limit check if your board wants to have it bang on a multiple or within a +-2 range, so say your limit was 250 you would test 248 to 252 and see if a particular specific setting works better than the others. Exact multiples should technically be optimal but often aren't. Use SuperPi and AIDA64 for this.
6) As you already have Gear Down Mode disabled you can try CL13 - some boards just don't like it and wont post. With CL if you can get into windows with the memory warmed up you can usually stabilise it with a small amount of extra memory voltage. If you need 0.05v or higher don't, its not worth it. If it no posts forget it, it's not happening.

The final bits you can try and tweak are the tertiary timings. SC at the end stands for Same Channel, these will all usually go down really low if only using two sticks but dual rank can limit that depending on the motherboard. SD means Same Dimm, dual rank will limit you here so these wont go down as far as single rank setups can go. DD means Different Dimm and is for swaps between channels - if your memory trace layout is good on the board you can go really low here (ITX boards can usually go down to 1). Tertiarys help with latency but AIDA doesnt really pick it up so check performance with SuperPi.

If you want more mhz you will most likely need to go to tRCDRD 15, you will need to gain around 100mhz to see any benefit compared to running tRCDRD 14 though. This timing is big for performance.

Testmem5 is good for testing if you know your cpu, cache and fabric are already stable - it only hits the dimms and will save you time compared to testing using mixed workload stress apps.

Much of the above is a repetition of my earlier posts, but is laid out specific to where you are at right now so may help a bit more than just referring to generic B-Die tweaking instructions.
Can you post your settings from the main tab, want to give these a go as I have the same kit.
Sure. Black values on the left are 'calculate fast'
Compare timings are mine which I set on the right in red

I just copied the fast timings and set tRCDRD to 14 and put DRAM voltage on 1.45v.
Checking now I appear to have missed a couple


MrPils. Wow, that's a lot of useful info, thanks. To be honest I just wanted to see if the fast timings worked (mainly CAS14)
I dont want to corrupt my drive / OS but do have it imaged onto another SSD in case it fails
Is 1.45v needed / safer than using the recommented 1.40v max?

Just getting back into this sort of overclocking since building a Ryzen machine. My guess is that better timings will come into play more with a faster CPU like the 5900X i'm waiting for. Currently using a 3600, but its 'only' 4.2Ghz and seems way faster than my older intel at 4.5Ghz. The reason will no doubt be down to higher clocked memory and other advances, not just CPU
No worries, good luck dude!
Hey, just wondering if you have any clue on this behaviour. I've used a more aggressive fan profile and dropped temps and 16/16/16/16/32/48/288 is now perfectly stable (with tWCL 14) at 3600mhz

I then follow your procedure and go to turn CL, tCWL, tRAS TRC and TRFC down 1 (so 15/13/31/47/282) and it refuses the CL change but accepts the other timing changes. Thinking it might have a problem with C15, I tried C14 and 12/30/46/276 and it dumps out and puts me on a very poorly trained C15/15/15/15/36/51/374 profile back at 2133mhz.

As you've seen, i'd probably be tempted to up the voltage a bit, or tune down the other timings but leave the CL and primary's at 16 but I'd love to know what you think
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