8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

I've tried everything i can think of and cannot get mine any faster. Managed to get the system to run at 7-8-7-18-14 1T but it couldn't finish superpi. (even if i relaxed tRC back) I couldn't get the system stable above DDR3 1696 with relaxed timings or the cpu-nb dropped down to 2600. I think the problem i've hit is the limits of the IMC. To improve i think i'll need a better cpu.

Current standings...

00. 8-Pack : 7m 17.469s - i7 4770k "G.Skill" 2603Mhz 6-9-7-18-74 1T

01. PCZ : 7m 30.953s - i7 4770k "Team Group" 2690Mhz 9-12-12-18-112 1T

02. shadow Boxer : 7m 36.722s - i7 4770k "Samsung" 2222Mhz 9-10-10-21-128 1T

03. Stulid : 7m 37.299s - i7 4670k "Team Group" 2422Mhz 9-11-11-18-98 1T

04. Duff-Man : 7m 37.330s - i7 4770k "Corsair" 2154Mhz 8-10-10-21-96 1T

05. 1Deep : 7m 52.969s - i5 3570k "G.Skill" 2624Mhz 10-12-11-35 1T

06. PCZ : 7m 53.141s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2624Mhz 10-12-12-18 1T

07. crypto : 7m 53.573s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2334Mhz 9-11-11-17 1T

08. topdog555 : 7m 54.829s - i7 3770k "Team Group" 2338Mhz 9-11-11-26 1T

09. Weazle : 7m 55.146s - i7 4670k "Patriot" 2134Mhz 11-11-11-27-200 2T

10. Raikiri : 7m 57.285s - i5 2500k "Kingston" 1909Mhz 10-11-11-32 1T

11. Sir SpankalotUK : 7m 58.828s - i5 3570k "Samsung" 2278Mhz 9-11-11-15 1T

12. Kaktus69 : 7m 58.859s - i5 3770k "Samsung" 2268Mhz 10-10-11-19 1T

13. wazza300 : 8m 00.689s - i7 3770k "Samsung" 2209Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

14. vonex : 8m 01.459s - i7 3770k "Samsung" 2210Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

15. Lord_ZED : 8m 04.657s - i5 2500k "Samsung" 2208Mhz 9-10-10-21 1T

16. arknor : 8m 09.729s - i5 4670k "Kingston" 1596.4Mhz 9-9-9-27-208 1T

17. horrorwood : 8m 09.877s - i7 3770k "Kingston" 2401Mhz 11-12-11-30 1T

18. PCZ : 8m 09.672s - i5 2500k "TeamGroup" 2208Mhz 8-10-10-16 1T

19. setter : 8m 09.997s - i5 3570k "Samsung" 2133Mhz 9-10-10-21 1T

20. dlknight : 8m 11.969s - i5 2500k "Samsung" 2210MHz 9-10-10-17 1T

21. Mik3 : 8m 13.959s - i5 3570k "OCZ" 1907Mhz 10-10-10-30 2T

22. wazza300 : 8m 15.332s - i7 2600k - "Samsung" 2210Mhz 9-10-10-19 1T

23. Kaapstad : 8m 16.923s - i7 3930k "Corsair" 2484.2Mhz 9-11-11-25-96 1T

24. Monkeh : 8m 17.063s - i7 2600k "???" 2154Mhz 9-11-11-19 1T

25. MonsterMoshi : 8m 18.681s - i7 3770k "Kingston" 1616Mhz 8-8-8-21 1T

26. pgi947 : 8m 18.842s - i7 3820 "G.Skill" 2416.8Mhz 10-12-12-21-88 1T

27. whyscotty : 8m 20.940s - i7 3930k "Corsair" 2486.4Mhz 10-11-11-25-96 1T

28. Tonester0011 : 8m 21.785s - i7 3930k - "TeamGroup" 2356.8Mhz 9-11-11-25-96 1T

29. chris182008 : 8m 23.054s - i5 2500 "Kingston" 1932Mhz 9-11-9-24 1T

30. Subliminal Aura : 8m 23.580s - i7 2600 "???" 1412.8Mhz 9-9-9-24 1T

31. Rossi~ : 8m 24.106s - i7 3930k - "Samsung" 2400Mhz 11-11-11-28-214 1T

32. PureJaz : 8m 26.908s - i7 2600k - "???" -No cpu-z memory shot

33. Mrnob : 8m 34.000s - i7 3820 - "Samsung" 2152Mhz 9-10-10-21-88 1T

34. Tekgun : 8m 34.926s - i7 2600k "G.Skill" 1617.6Mhz 8-8-8-24 1T

35. Skeng : 8m 35.084s - i5 2500k "Geil" 2132Mhz 11-11-11-36 2T

36. Pohly : 8m 40.791s - i5 2500k "Kingston" 1876Mhz 10-10-10-28 2T

37. Hicks : 8m 46.158s - i7 3770k "Avexir" 1602Mhz 9-9-9-24 2T

38. Something Else : 8m 57.499s - i5 2500k "Patriot" 2134Mhz 11-11-11-27 3T

39. ]MadBoy[ : 9m 00.421s - i7 920 "Corsair" 1692Mhz 8-8-8-26-60 1T

40. Duff-Man : 9m 03.910s - i7 930 "Corsair" 1830Mhz 8-8-8-21 2T

41. Kaapstad : 9m 07.889s - i7 something "Corsair" 2013.8Mhz 7-8-7-20-88 1T

42. Mick-1965 : 9m 12.911s - i5 760 "Cruicial" 2240Mhz 9-9-9-27-181 1T

43. Hotwired : 9m 14.129s - i5 750 "G.Skill" 1701Mhz 6-7-6-18-94 1T

44. shadow Boxer : 9m 14.414s - i7 920 "OCZ" 1601Mhz 8-8-8-24-59 1T

45. the1gooner : 9m 23.790s - i5 760 "Kingston" 2020Mhz 10-10-10-31-162 1T

46. Nightst@lk3r : 9m 24.471s - i5 760 "Corsair" 2000Mhz 10-10-10-21-74 1T

47. Gzero : 9m 30.481s - i5 750 "Kingston" 1603.4Mhz 9-9-9-24-208 1T

48. bru : 9m 38.733s - i7 920 "???" 1528Mhz 8-9-9-28-124 2T

49. blues_r_best : 13m 17.473s - Q6600 "G.Skill" 892Mhz 5-5-5-15-52 2T

50. PCZ : 16m 43.719s - X4 965 "Geil" 1894Mhz 7-8-7-18-11 1T

51. Kei : 16m 48.000s - X4 955 "Kingston" 1656Mhz 7-8-7-18-17 2T

52. ManLoveRulesOK : 16m 58.588s - X4 955 "Mushkin" 1627Mhz 7-9-8-28-29 1T

53. dfour : 23m 51.868s - FX-8350 "Patriot" 1672Mhz 9-10-10-24-33

54. evohicks : 24m 09.666s - FX-8350 "G.Skill" 1606Mhz 11-11-11-28-39

55. Kei : 25m 30.390s - A64 3700+ "OCZ" 530Mhz 3-4-3-8-7 1T
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Eugh... so my TridentX 2600 kit came.

Won't even do stock timings. Scores 7s worse than with my ancient xms3 kit :(

I have the worst luck with hardware (at least when I buy it for myself).

If that Trident X kit is Samsung it will be weak. If its Hynix its the same BFR Kit I broke the world record with so believe me it should clock. On LN2 you can do C8 2933-3000mhz!!!
The same 1.85v I used the other day :)

I've dropped the memory down from 2624mhz to 2551mhz and managed to drop timings a fair bit. tRAS 15 is a strange one though I haven't tested it to see if it goes any lower but it is already ridiculously low.

It is indeed madness I have to say, this ram keeps surprising me at what it can tolerate, I knew it would clock well, just didn't expect it to do THIS well. Very happy :D

Persist with installing xp, you should see at least 4 seconds improvement, that's what I've managed anyway. Still need to tweak xp a little further though.

Is TRAS 15 helping?? Thats very tight. Even BBSE/PSC/ Samsung (very High Binned) are not going this low with these Mhz.
I'm loathe to put more than 1.7v through my sticks... I might push up to 1.74 or 1.76 for a final score once I know all the limits, if it's needed. I haven't seen a huge improvement going from 1.66 to 1.7 though.

These TridentX sticks are decent, but don't quite reach the clocks stated in most of the reviews though.

Trideent X are 1.85-1.9 Air sticks. 2.2v LN2 for best perf.
8 Pack what's the max voltage for PSC under air.

I was given a two day holiday so haven't been able to post.

I have some progress with the Mushkin ram although I still can't get a proper run with it... Yet

The issue turns out to be bios compatibility. I got a beta bios from gigabyte this morning that now let's me run push the ram as far as 1656mhz @ 6-8-6 but I can't push the frequency another higher no matter how loose the timings. Mushkin say that they'll do 1800mhz @ 7-8-7 not sure of this is bios or imc limited at the moment.

The beta bios hasn't solved the problem yet though. I have now have a very low ref clock wall and I can't push the Northbridge much past 2400mhz. My best run that I've still not posted I was pushing a shade over 2900mhz,which I think will lose me roughly 10 seconds.
PSC 1.9v to scale. Get a fan on em probably not necessary though.

Could be sveral reasons why they are not going higher. As I said earlier my BBSE did on Giga passing vantage CPU test every time.
Is TRAS 15 helping?? Thats very tight. Even BBSE/PSC/ Samsung (very High Binned) are not going this low with these Mhz.

It is highly unstable as TRAS 15 and is only just about completes a 32m run. It posts similar times to TRAS 16/17/18 but is definitely faster than anything >19.

The g skill I have is 2x4gb of 2133mhz ripjaw z but they are part of a 4x4gb kit so are probably binned well. I have another identical set which do not clock anywhere near as well as these.

They do love voltage though, I have at most put them through 1.85v and it allowed me to drop CAS from 11 to 10 at 2624mhz (only bench stable). Imagine what they may be able to do under extreme cooling.

What ram could I upgrade to without breaking the bank? It would need to be a upgrade over this set but at a reasonable price.

Also 8 Pack, I thought that for Dram refresh interval that the higher the number the better, but in your ram overclocking thread your ram is often set at 7936. Is that the optimum figure?
PSC 1.9v to scale. Get a fan on em probably not necessary though.

Could be sveral reasons why they are not going higher. As I said earlier my BBSE did on Giga passing vantage CPU test every time.

I think I can safely rule out the ram ice found reviews showing them doing 2000mhz @ 10-11-10 and they won't go any higher than 1656mhz @ 11-11-11.

As I've now got working ram but a ref clock and nb clock wall I'm pretty certain it's bios.

I already have a 120mm fan cable tied between my titan fenrir and the drive bays in my antec 300 blowing air down onto the ram.

Oh and I also discovered the area behind my VRMs is a funny shade of green/brown rather than blue. Wonder if I can RMA the board as it's still under warranty?
Getting the Northbridge much above 2900 on a deneb is neigh on impossible. Count yourself lucky that yours is willing to clock as high as it does. The memory clock may well be the imc. My system will not post with the memory above 1700. 1696 would post but fail to get to windows. The ref clock issue will probably be down to the motherboard, mine won't post above 275.

If you have a spare cpu, you could try that to see if it makes a difference to your memory clocking. A different motherboard might help too, though I doubt you'd want to end up buying one.
My best time, still struggling with the board and Mushkin RAM and Gigabyte are starting to get a little less inclined to help me as they've technically solved my memory compatibility issue.

None of it makes any sense I'm sure a Deneb that will bench with 2928mhz NB would be able to push more than I have on the memory frequency.

If I had the money to buy another board then I would gladly buy one as this 880GM-UD2H is really starting to grate on me now, and I'm 99% certain thats the only thing holding me back. I may even go Asus next time.

Anyone want to lend me a decent AM3/AM3+ board for a few days?

EDIT: That time was done on win7 as well for some reason I can't quite remember

If you cant beat em join em


Nice time PCZ, big improvement on the top time so far.

It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to post a good time with the Mushkin ram without another motherboard now.

From the last reply I got from gigabyte I don't think they are going to help me anymore as my issue with the beta bios is how well it clocks.
My first entry never going to win the prize with a 2500k but worth trying to beat the others, still got a long way to go though. First time I've regretted not getting better ram.


Please make your pictures to the forum size standard in the future.
Just having another crank tonight and I seem to be having a little more success tonight. Currently matching my best time so far, but this is with a lot lower notthbridge clock than before and a full day windows 7 install as I couldn't be bothered to reinstall my slim win xp as I somehow kill it when I was battling the motherboard and ram.

Edit: had the ram at 1744mhz for a run earlier but I seriously hurts my notthbridge clock making my time slower.
Great Score PCZ. Leaderboard updated!!!

8 Days left come on guys improve your times!!

I will try to get under 7 30 but it's not that easy.
How about sending me some cas 6 PSC :)

OH flip the OCZ SSD I was using to boot XP has just died.
BIOS doesn't see it anymore
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