8Pack super fast smash the rest i5 Skylake Overclocked, Discounted killer GAMING bundle.

Are you not using the bundle MOBO? Pretty sure a Z170 is required for non K oc. And it needs to be one of the Z170's with a non K bios available.
The OC is guaranteed for 4.4 but you have to use the specific bios as it's the only one that actually allows for this unlock.


the bios can be acquired from http://overclocking.guide/intel-skylake-non-k-overclocking-bios-list/

If you have any other issues please use the customer service section of the forum and speak directly with our support staff.

As above it's not possible for 8pack or our staff to monitor every thread in the news and other sections of the forum.

If you have an issue and would like a response from OcUK staff please use the Customer service section where you will get a response with in 24 hrs. (Usually same day but out of hours posts will be picked up the following morning)

I have tried to force the BIOS back to no avail, its stuck but then again i haven't overclocked before.

After speaking with the top lads on Facebook Chat they have helped me out monumentally (thanks) and a new board is on the way to me and i've to return my one back so give me another shot at updating the BIOS.

hopefully second time lucky haha :)
Had my setup running sweet since January @4.4Ghz. I was thinking about upgrading my GPU to a 1070. Would I have any problems with the MB Bios? I'm just worried an updated BIOS would be required which would not allow the CPU OC.
I try to check this stuff fairly regularly and reply but cant always.

You can force a Bios flashback from DOS and as such then use the OC Bios no issue.

The bundle just needs anyone to follow the instructions.

We sold several per day since I made it available this is the first I have heard of with this issue. Why anyone would flash at all as soon as they get any system is beyond me. A flashed Bios is not an upgrade, many on this forum refer to it as upgrading the Bios its not. These components have been tested to work together on the shipping Bios and the OC Bios only. Plus with all the latest hardware so compatibility is pre- tested. The new CPU micro code is not the greatest to say the least neither are the memory tables.

Test with shipped Bios on stock first and install OS. Then flash OC Bios, load profile I provided as CMO or follow screen shots F10 enter done!!!

Hey 8pack,i'm runnin' into some problems. I just recently got the bundle together and installed OS 10 and tried to OC manually(Following instructions) and using the profile. Both times it kinda does OC,but when you start windows again it crashes with simillar errors everytime(IRQL_Not_less_or_Equal [this one is most usual]). At first it let's me to open cpu-z to check if it's OC'ed and then crashes,I have to undo the OC and re-flash the bios to get it working again :(
Try Vcore etc. Tune from my starting point. 1.4v is no issue with this CPU. Also check Turbo Boot performance is set and drop the memory one multi for testing. Usually this IRQ stuff is memory related.
OK looks like I'm pretty late to the party on this bundle- picked up with the radiator/waterblock on Friday to make a budget box on a narrowboat (lol).

So.. I started out with an OS build on an nvme drive (ok, maybe only semi-budget machine). All fine, boot up install various tests ok.

Next, getting the 050 bios was tricky (original thread link has gone away).. and I ended up needing to use steps detailed on this page to install using UEFITool & Flash Programming Tool:
http://overclocking.guide/falsh-back-older-bios-asus-z170/ . The CAP formatted BIOS 050 is also available at that site!

OOps, older bios can't support nvme drive. all overclock off, and install win10 to another SSD that it was happy to detect.

Once that was done, I could install 8pack's profile (i54400.cmo). I could get it to post fine, though I was crashing under any load tests.

Some of my fails required shorting the jumper to clear CMOS.

I mucked around a bit with core v, ram settings, etc.. no luck.

checked socket, cooler attachment (note below!), ram seating, power plugs, any shorts, etc.

Dropped it all back to stock, re-tried load tests. Continued crashes. No good sense of temperature or what it was related to.

Back to the "newer" Bios to see if any difference on that "stock" profile for the chip.

Finally at stock speed for chip after a crash bios told me "Power supply surges detected during the previous power on. ASUS Anti-Surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit".

So perhaps the mystery is coming to an end.

What sort of PSU spec would I need to run this? The one it's complaining about is a mid-quality 750Watt.. I have the bundle plus the waterblock cooler + a gtx 670 and a couple SSDs.

Thought I should try replacing the PSU based on that error message, unless it might mask another..

finally- the waterblock fitting.. the mount on the back goes through fine, with the sockets standing above the motherboard by a mm or two. The two-way hex bolts go in.. prior to fitting the block, the hex risers/spacers and the mounting socket aren't flush to the top of the motherboard by about 1-2mm. it would rattle, I was expecting a tight fit! Once I tighten up the round nuts on the block, everything is pulled tight. Were there small washers or spacers missing in my kit perhaps?
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No the mounting is fine.

I would go for a quality 500w + PSU. The selection is totally dependant on the GPU or GPU's your running with the bundle.
thanks 8pack-

single GTX 670 in it now, but probably putting a 1060 or 1080 in next

So you think that power surge error looks like a smoking gun too?

much appreciate the help
The board is showing power surge errors as its detecting the PSU's main rails are varying from what it considers a stable level voltage levels.

Unstable voltage ofcourse leads to an unstable system.
ah so close. I grabbed a psu on way home tonight since this was bugging me.

so far my best is 4.32 at 1.375 vcore with a couple extra settings required to let it pull more (showing 1.4 or so in screenshot).. sorry for potato qual
tried a few more volts, but hit the wall!

Sorry to high jack the post, but I just thought I would check.

I brought the above mentioned PSU for my son's bundle, which he is running with an ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 Turbo 6144MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card which seems to be running fine at 4.4.

Is it worth me replacing it with a Bronze or higher Certified? or will it be ok?
cpu svid disbled was the other setting that got me up this high. Might have spoken too soon.. some more blue screens so back down to 4.0

I'm stuck around 4.0-4.2.. it needed higher vcore to get there (1.375).. 1.4 didn't help keep 4.4 running. Still vaguely unsure if I seated the cpu and waterblock correctly, so I redid that but no difference.

8pack- do you reckon this is the chip? I can pm/upload the profile somewhere in case I screwed up something..

I loaded up the i54400 profile but it varied considerably from the screenshots- the screenshot settings worked with a few extra tweaks (more voltage), but won't hold stable long under prime95.. I was getting bluescreens with MCE errors.
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Hey guys posted previously about my issues with this overclock and i'm still having a lot of issues.

The overclock was working fine for a little bit but 1/10 times was locking up at the windows logo splash screen upon boot up and certain games was causing it to lock up, seemingly under high load with said games.

8pack replied to me before and advised to try up to 1.4v VClock but messing around with the Vclock above about 1.35 was causing constant lock ups. In the end i've had to flash the bios and default the settings as it was constantly locking up, i've checked temperatures even with games, browsers and loads of programs running at high load and the temperatures are only in the 60's.

I don't have much experience with overclocking and so I dont know what settings other than VClock are causing this to lock up.
It's seemingly working fine currently on stock settings but I bought this bundle specifically for it to overclock and was hoping this would remove a lot of the messing around with settings which I hoped this would do which it clearly hasn't. Anyone able to help me get this working overclocked so it's not locking up randomly?

Thanks in advance.
Hi.when i disable overclock i can,t run windows 7.its stuck on loading screen.when i enable again.everything is fine.can you please help with that?

I'm looking to do the same overclock on an matx board so obviously I can't buy this bundle unfortunately. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of any other liquid coolers that would do the job as I can't seem to find the Asetek you used here anywhere and no reviews on other coolers really give me peace of mind.

I should point out that most air coolers won't fit my chosen Antec P50 case (130mm height limit). That's why I'm going liquid cooling.

Thanks in advance! Great work btw.
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I'm looking to do the same overclock on an matx board so obviously I can't buy this bundle unfortunately. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of any other liquid coolers that would do the job as I can't seem to find the Asetek you used here anywhere and no reviews on other coolers really give me peace of mind.

I should point out that most air coolers won't fit my chosen Antec P50 case (130mm height limit). That's why I'm going liquid cooling.

Thanks in advance! Great work btw.

I think 8 pack uses the following for the kit.

OCUK 120mm AIO Kit


Looking at your case you should be able to get the following 240mm AIO kit in

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Havent got a clue where to post this but hey ho.
I have just recently bought the 8 pack intel i5 6400 and have downloaded the 0050 bios and the i54400 profile, I followed the instructions on this thread and entered bios and went to the flash utillity and pointed it to the bios only to be greeted with "Selected file is not a proper bios". Now I have downloaded the same file from different sources only to get the same error message? I presume that I am doing something wrong as most people have not had many issues and I have not seen this issue listed anywhere.
Hoping that someone can help.
Thanks in advance.
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