9/11 15 Year Anniversary

Because the site says 911 debunked you take it as truth ? lmao and do some proper research into 911 rather than what your fed. Most of those debunks are total fail on that site.

Stop embarrassing yourself you are talking complete ****.

Those conspiracy theories are just complete ******* and insulting to the memories of those that died.
I remember someone sending me an ICQ message saying that a plane had flown into the WTC. I assumed they meant a micro-light or something similar. I tried accessing the BBC News website but it wouldn't load. Hardly any websites would load. I worked in R&D for a television manufacturer at the time so we had plenty of TVs on which to watch the news unfold. We just stood around, horrified. One guy I worked with was Iranian and instantly said that it must be Islamic extremists. Sadly, he was right.

The person who sent me the ICQ message now lives a stone's throw away from ground zero. It's dirt cheap to rent around there as no native New Yorker wants to live there.
Whilst indisputably a terrible act of barbarism it's remarkably sad how many Americans by comparison know and care nothing for the thousands of british lives lost to terrorist acts by the IRA over 30 years or so, in particular when you consider the support by some sections of the US public funding the "brave Irish warriors" of the IRA through NORAID. :(

Day that changed the world? Maybe if you're American, but for a huge swath of the world who have had to contend with "freedom fighters/terorists" depending on your point of view for years somewhat less so. Perhaps a sign of what a USA centric media world we increasingly live in.

In any case 9/11 was a terrible waste of human life and heart breaking for the families and friends of those who lost thier lives to cowards.

I'm pretty sure 9/11 brought terrorism close to home for many Irish Americans and IRA funding stopped because of this. The IRA seemed to dissapear after this event.
Are you really? Well then here, im sure this will answer most if not all of the questions you have.


I think my favourite is when people say a missle hit the pentagon, despite there being bits of a plane all over the place :rolleyes:

Except there weren't. https://youtu.be/Z__4ZhF36Mc?t=22m15s

You genuinely believe the engines disintegrated on impact but left no signs of impact on the building? Yet the weakest part of the jet, the front cockpit, punched a hole in the building.

CCTV being confiscated. Eyewitness testimony conflicting with official reports. Evidence from blackbox recorders not being released. The list goes on.

There were many many anomalies/unprecedented events that day, yet it's all neatly wrapped up by saying "dem a-rabs dun it". Yet influential persons/businesses in the US stood far more to gain from it.
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Except there weren't. https://youtu.be/Z__4ZhF36Mc?t=22m15s

You genuinely the engines disintegrated on impact but left no signs of impact on the building? Yet the weakest part of the jet, the front cockpit, punched a hole in the building.

CCTV being confiscated. Eyewitness testimony conflicting with official reports. Evidence from blackbox recorders not being released. The list goes on.

There were many many anomalies/unprecedented events that day, yet it's all neatly wrapped up by saying "dem a-rabs dun it". Yet influential persons/businesses in the US stood far more to gain from it.

It's hard to get through to some of these people they are so controlled by the media it is scary and at the same time very amusing. If i have not read about it in the news it's not true brigade in....full effect.

9/11 the day the laws of physics didn't quite work properly. ;)

On a note, do any of you understand how or why building 7 came down in an office fire?:confused:
That's the one that got me thinking, otherwise I would be non the wiser of the events that unfolded that day.

RIP to all those that died, what ****ing terrible way to go. :(
9/11 the day the laws of physics didn't quite work properly. ;)

On a note, do any of you understand how or why building 7 came down in an office fire?:confused:

That took some planning to make the laws of phyics not work properly.

I asked the same question about building 7 but after watching documentaries, debunking sites and posters on here I am quite happy with the answers.
I also asked about thermite and was satisfied after the 4th post.
It's hard to get through to some of these people they are so controlled by the media it is scary and at the same time very amusing. If i have not read about it in the news it's not true brigade in....full effect.


Once again, it is you being manipulated by bad science. Most posters on here have done way more research than you but once again the difference is we accept the facts when presented properly.
It's sad that you must hate extreme Muslims so much you won't let them have their victory.
This thread is great because previously I would have had to visit at least three different subjects to build up a list of the posters who are completely unhinged, but here they are all neatly presented in one place.
This thread is great because previously I would have had to visit at least three different subjects to build up a list of the posters who are completely unhinged, but here they are all neatly presented in one place.

Lol. I was just about to say, this thread's great. It helps us identify all the forum fools in one easy step.
No doubt me and you are just blinkered or mind controlled by the media or something.

I'm waiting for the first person to use the term sheeple.
That took some planning to make the laws of phyics not work properly.

I asked the same question about building 7 but after watching documentaries, debunking sites and posters on here I am quite happy with the answers.
I also asked about thermite and was satisfied after the 4th post.

No building 7 is the key to this event, if that had not come down then I would have believed the official story.

But am not having it, the is no way in this world an office fire would bring down a building at free fall speed. :confused:

Alas this is not the day to tinfoil it, so I will just pay my respects to the victims of the atrocity no matter who the perpetrator was. :(
Lol. I was just about to say, this thread's great. It helps us identify all the forum fools in one easy step.
No doubt me and you are just blinkered or mind controlled by the media or something.

I'm waiting for the first person to use the term sheeple.

It's those chemtrails they keep spraying over my city :mad:
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