Rip to all the victims but the whole thing stinks like a hobos shoe.
Rip to all the victims but the whole thing stinks like a hobos shoe.
15 years on it still sends chills down my spine.
Any chance we could remember the dead rather than turning the thread into a conspiracy theorists wet dream?
I do love conspiracy theorists. Most theories I could pick apart but I'm bored with it all now. Steel don't melt, buildings don't fall like that, no plane debris, blah blah blah.
15 years after the fact and not on piece of credible evidence exists. No white knight leaking details, no hacks uncovering the 'cover up'. The hundreds if not thousands of people that would have been involved in such a plot and nothing. Zilch.
Tell one other person that you're cheating on your wife and you can guarantee she will know by the next day. Secrets don't exist nowadays if more than one person knows.
Its a long dark rabbit hole that goes very deep, I don't have facts but I know one thing, it stinks to high heaven.
Well the title of the thread has been left open for debate and the OP hasn't asked for it to be a Rememberance thread so start your own.
Not to mention that Larry A. Silverstein insured the 2 buildings for the attack.
Doubled it for the attack, insurance companies complained but he got a mega pay out X2..
Last time I checked, I don't run General Discussion. I DID start the thread as a remembrance thread as it happens, but if people want to turn it into a whacky conspiracy theory discussion instead, who am I to say they cant?
Last time I checked, I don't run General Discussion. I DID start the thread as a remembrance thread as it happens, but if people want to turn it into a whacky conspiracy theory discussion instead, who am I to say they cant?
Not true. He had an insurance policy in place for both buildings with a maximum limit of one building per event. So only one building got paid out. On advice from his advisors saying that losing both buildings in event was never going to happen.
He took the insurance companies to court and lost.
Company I work for co-insured the buildings.
I read somewhere that only three very high rise skyscraper type structures collapsed due to fire damage and all were on 9/11. How true that is I don't know, but I'm sure a google search of either persuasion would be incorrect.
Well if that's how you meant it to be then ask the Mods to remove all none RIP posts.
They collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprint, nothing dodgy about that buildings do it all the time.(even the one that wasnt hit by a plane).
Fair play Craig.
Interesting, might I ask for a source for this information please Balky? As I did hear they argued there were two separate events and he got something like $Xbn per one?