Were pushing NVIDIA for an official response, NVIDIA will come back to us and when they do we shall let everyone know.
Right now calling us, forums, email the response is we are awaiting a response from NVIDIA.
I understand the frustration, but the 970 performance is un-changed from when it launched and everyone raved how good it was, so what is a few hours/days to wait for an official response/update.
Its not the end of the world and I am sure NVIDIA will either fix it or offer up a solution, but anything they do needs to be worldwide, that takes days, not minutes.
Our CS slamming the phone, well if I find anyone doing this they will be absolutely beaten for it over the coals, not acceptable at all!
no, i said right from the start that this card felt detuned and rather boring............ yes it's 100% reliable, well of course, it's bound to be if it's only running at 85% max power