A battlefield2 thread

It's good that I'm not working today, it's now 09:00 and I'm just going to bed thanks to BF2.

Magic, I downloaded this app http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php and then updtaed BF2 via that and it's seemed to have worked. :D

Now if only my points would register so I could use my unlocks, yet for over 1000 hours played on ranked servers I still have a rank of PFC and no unlocks. :mad:
You need to do a manual update of punkbuster, you can download the setup file on the pb site.

Also if you haven't played for ages, delete your BF2 cache in your profile.
wonder if i will get the same issue as installing on a new machine since i last played. also anyone know when the the last bf2 update came out>?
wonder if i will get the same issue as installing on a new machine since i last played. also anyone know when the the last bf2 update came out>?

LAst update is 1.41, next one in the works is 1.51 with a new map or 2; there is a link a few posts up.

Yes u need punkbuster updater to keep upto date.

I have made a shortcut and put it in my start menu next to my games.
It's good that I'm not working today, it's now 09:00 and I'm just going to bed thanks to BF2.

Magic, I downloaded this app http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php and then updtaed BF2 via that and it's seemed to have worked. :D

Now if only my points would register so I could use my unlocks, yet for over 1000 hours played on ranked servers I still have a rank of PFC and no unlocks. :mad:

Whats your exact player name ?
Bizarrely, I've just checked the stats tracker and the match I had this morning has shown up. Hopefully the year away and the random urge to play BF2 again this morning may have jolted something back into action.

I'm going to have a few other matches later on and see if they register too. Here's hoping.
I hate the EA ranked servers. In fact I dislike most of the ones that pop up on the server browse list that I have tried. Nothing more then a grenade spam fest with low ticket levels. Anyone know of any that are modded or have rules in regard to grenade spamming that are actually moderated?
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Let this thread die! I keep itching to play BF2 despite not touching it for over a year if not much longer!

Got work to do, gits!
There is Always time for BF2 :cool:
I've ran around an IO server today happily pawning & teabagging as I went along my merry way, I think I was playing about an hour before I was accused of cheating :D
I Love BF2 IO & being accused of cheating is a compliment :p
What IO servers do you play on?

I love teabagging it winds people up so much. I had someone crying at me the whole round yesterday and this was a 45minute round.
I'm not fussy I just go on whatever 64 man IO server has a space, I get kicked sooner or later anyway :p
Me and another guy play on the Killer B servers, they're a great clan and there's almost always an admin on there who can kick off the inevitable TKer or rule breaker. Makes for a really good game when you get a coupla good players in a squad :D

BF2 was the first game I played multiplayer in a big way, and I keep going back to it lol
Be Warned people this Mod Borks your vanilla, You get kicked from every single server for modified content :mad:
Even individually deleting all the files still don't get rid & I had to do a Full instal of BF2, SF & patching :mad::mad::mad:

Thankfully my Vanilla runs as it should again :cool:

Dammit, same thing has happened to me. Very annoying, considering I want to play both!!
I was on yesterday as usual bouncing around Karkhand slinging nades & single shotting sprayers :D
BF2 is home for me, The Balance of a 64 man IO game is Perfection.
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