Anyone know how to retrieve their account info? I cant even remember my username. I had a few guesses using my email address but no luck
edit - I have reset my password here but Battlefield 2 is not linked (the login does not work as I expected)
hi mate
unfortunately its not possible to retrieve old accounts, I had mine retrieved and ported over to the new batlelog system, since they took over, but that was done at the beginning by a friend who was helping the guys at When I asked few months later for another account they refused and have done ever since.
If you are using bf2hub to play bf2 online they have their own point system that does not workmen, separate system. they also refused to port my account details from barttlelog to their bf2hub. Go on forums and ask they might be able to help but be prepared to start over. On bf2hub I Cant get it to work with points or upgrades so I have no unlocks for 8 months.