A Kettle of Fish

13 Mar 2005
Morning People!

Haven't posted here for a while so don't know how you guys and lasses will react to this but I know some of you and think you'll like it :)

Within the past few months I have set up my own business designing greeting cards and other such merchandise. The brand I go buy is "A Kettle of Fish" and I am slowly trying to establish myself in the card industry!

Thought people might be interested in taking a peek! Plus it's always nice to hear a variety of opinions on them :)

Here are a couple I have done as of late:

One of Jasper - he's been doing my webby for me so deserved a 1337 one :)

Inspired by a friend...

I heart this one soooo much :D...

And for all you studly nerds...

Jasper has very kindly been working his butt off for me doing a website, which can be found here!

The website currently holds a lot of the "generic" type cards which I have been asked to draw for companies. There's a few more updates coming yet and a requests page on its way, which will have more of the above styles!

If you like the ones above and have facebook, tootle along to the A Kettle of Fish page where you can submit your own requests and I will draw them!

(requests can be anything from a random line like - "That's not good enough" or "Where'd it go?" and I will interpret in my own way or it can be more direct like "draw me a picture of x,y and z"! If people are required to be drawn though piccies are always handy to see of them, which can be fleamailed to me!)

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Oooh.. I'm not selling anything yet! I've just set up really! I thought you'd be interested to see what I was doing and maybe put in your own requests for drawings!

Also it's nice to know what people think about the cards! I have had many suggestions in the past which have made me go from drawing "okay" designs to better ones!

Eak! Honestly not selling or nowt and didn't mean it like that!

*sowwy* *hope I haven't broken any rules*
wow love them, you should make custom ones for people :D

I do :) Some of the reasons I started this thread! I would say post requests in here but I have so many people emailing me already and requesting on other forums I will lose track!

By all means post a request here but either fleamail me as well or plonk it on the facebook group/fan of (see linkies above)

Oh yeh - request email addy is [email protected] :)

I really hope this isn't taken as promoting my business. I guess it could look that way but I just wanted peoples opinions/give them the opportunity to request/inspire me to do designs :) Also thought people maybe interested to see how I get on with setting up my own business!

*sowwy* again! If you want I can scrap the thread and start a new one saying "do you like my drawings and would you like me to do a drawing for you?" with no mention of the word "business" in it! :p
I thought it would be nice to add you to stumble! so hopefully u might get a few people looking at your site from there!

nice cards! i like the memory one linked earlier :D

What's stumble?! *confuddled*

Glad you're liking them! :D I figured the nerd ones would be popular here! I'm actually mid way through a mock up of a "The Alphabet of The Nerd" book which is funno!

I have a "fail" one there but am not posting ones like that at the moment as they've got to be proper proper copyrighted :) I will try and draw another one instead though! Send me an email to remind me!
Can you make an exceptionally inappropriate one please?

Make a request and I will see what I can do ;)

Fanking you people!

And Blackstar - it's coming! I promise! There's requests I see and immediately go "AH HA!" and draw it! Yours is plodding about in my brain waiting to explode out onto paper! :D

And exploding dog RULES! :D
Isn't it a small internet - didn't know you posted here pheebs! (tis Brig btw). Think you know my opinion on the cards :) Webby is very nicely designed as well (like the scrolling)

Hahaha I couldn't help but laugh at you reminding me that MD means the Brig!) But of course I post here! This is where all of us old timers started surely!?

My Bro was the one that started me here yonks ago (by the name of pjuk)!

Has been a while though.... I'm more of a reader (nb post count ;)) here than I am a poster!

Thanking you for all your loverly comments! Haven't been able to act on any requests tonight as I have been out doing the working stuff :)

Best disappear as am naked!
Knackered! Not Naked!! I was Knackered!

I didn't type naked I am sure! Unless my keyboard (which is wireless) didn't recognise the "k" "c" "er"

I wasn't naked!!!

Cor blimey gov!
lol! Purple Turtle!

And wilhelm! Did you change it to say nekky?! That's the kind of thing I would expect from a dodgy French Man Don such as yourself! ;)

People are more than welcome to post theirs I've done for them up here :)

I will try and do some more requests today but I have a huuuge front garden requiring some diggage and then prep for a party tonight! Going away tomorrow for a couple of days so hopefully get some done and then more when I get back! :)

A couple of others I have done for people elsewhere:

For "Nutcase" (He sent me a piccie of him driving a Saab car like some loon and asked me to replicate it)

For Paul who recently broked his leggy :(

As said, for requests or ideas - if you want them done either fleamail me at [email protected] or postie on the Facebook Request thread bit!
My styles changed a fair bit since doing you girly ones! I like my new style much much more!

It's funny looking back on how it all started - I will have to post some uber originals which will make you pee yourself laughing! :D

Fankoo all again! Been digging and am covered in mud so bath time and then Sainsburys and then work so mebbe some drawings the tomorrow :D

Hello hello!

Back from a short break away people! Fanking you all for the luck! I hope it all turns out well - it's taking time but it's gonna be worth it in the end!

As for requests - fleamail me them and I promise I will do them :) [email protected]

Marc - I'll think up something ;) Got a few to catch up on but I will think of something!
They are always the maahooosive version! I will have to probably fleamail you instead though as I will use up all my uploading spacearoo :D
DampCat! I know yours is urgent so I got onto it straight away :)

Hoping you and your sexy lady friend have an awesome time and hope she has a superb birthday! :)

I've called it "Our Gordon Ramsey Recipe"

oh yus and pleeeeeaaaaase people - some fab ideas here but please please PLLEeeEEaase email me them :) I won't be able to do them else wise as I will forget!
Tis all gooooooooooood thanking you muchly :D

As long it's either facebook or fleamail I will get it and do it!

Be warned though - sometimes it takes me a while to think up something (other times it just kinda spills out of my brain) so delays may occur! Generally a week max for me to do one (sometimes an hour minimum!)
Hehehe that's okie! I am so glad you had an awesome time! :)

For Luw - he did ask for a picture of him and his kitties facing the camera for his gf buuuut I kinda started playing and ended up with this!

As said in the email - I can still do one like that for you Luw!

Hope you like this one anyhoo :)

Glad you like it m'dear :) More to come - gonna play around in some mud in a bit though so mayn't be for a bit!
Apologies - been away so haven't been able to update! Also been doing this uber big one since returning so haven't had time to do other peoples requests:


Finally managed to do your one to suit your description! Hoping it's more suitable ;)

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