The real heart of the story though is the actual experience of playing games and the real-world changes it makes to how I gamed over the last couple of days. To be quite upfront, the difference between a G-Sync enabled system and a V-Sync disabled experience is night and day. You will be able to see your full frame rate and full graphics card performance on your monitor at 1080p without any of the entirely distracting horizontal tearing that having V-Sync disabled has always produced.
It's funny to me now how accepting we were to this horrible artifacting that V-sync disabled gaming presented. We assumed this was something we HAD TO HAVE. It was the best of two evils, if you will, between V-Sync on and V-Sync off. NVIDIA's creation of G-Sync proves that this isn't the case, and across a half dozen games over the last 36 hours I was able to see how gaming SHOULD be and can be.