Looks good in principle, probably just needs 'sharpening' - seems to slope a bit but a bit more length on the cpu arm should get it right. I found it next to impossible to get the bend exactly where I wanted so I did the bend and then trimmed the ends to length once I'd offered it up and measured it.
Yeah that's exactly it mate. Did that run before I'd done the radiator > CPU and it looked perfect, but as soon as I'd done the other one I realised I'd cut the CPU end about 5mm short... D'Oh!
I found the easiest way was to offer the mandrel up to the pipe exactly where the bend needed to go, then put a tiny bit of tape to mark where the end of the mandrel is. The fact where even talking about this kind of shows it wasn't exactly fool proof though.
Fixed that for you
I do wish there was a nicer way of joining the 2 rads but the amount they're out of line by makes everything else I thought of fail or look messy, so this was my last attempt at something tolerable before it went for a flight through a window! Guess as a bonus it would have given new meaning to the build name
Didn't notice it until you pointed it out. Agree with you though.
When I tried it with a bend it just looked too big a radius, too close to the fitting and also pushed the pipe a bit further from the radiator. Didn't look bad but not really 'neat' enough for the look I was after
Hmm. You could roll the dice and try a non-rotary 90° fitting. Barrow a Matte Black 90 Degree Male To Female Fitting that might fit. Could end up pointing in completely the wrong direction but if it works...
Now THAT is a good shout cheers mate, hadn't even thought of that!
Am I right in thinking that if I ordered a few of them the threads would be started in different places, so would likely all end up pointing in different directions?
Doesn't help the above problem but have you considered re-routing the cpu to top rad pipe thusly: go from the other rad port, 90 down, 90 left running acrossthe space between the rad and then 90 down, 90 into CPU? Entirely aesthetic but would mean the views of the rad wasn't impinged.
Potentially though a non-rotary 90 that wasn't quite pointing in the right direction could get you from the top white rad port to the impinged black rad port.
I did mock up quite a few different layouts including flipping the top rad around, using different ports etc but always found myself coming back to this one. Didn't want to use a 90° fitting on the CPU block so that killed quite a few layouts off straight away, but ended up going with this one as it leaves the CPU looking good and I think the 3 horizontal runs should, if I get them straight, look tidy! Also liked the idea of having the return to the centre of the reservoir. No real reason I just like being different / awkward
There's a knurled thread on the black rad port. Does that unscrew and is it a G1/4 thread underneath? Would the rotary 90° fitting connect directly to that and solve the problem?
Unfortunately not, but thankfully there's no need now you've solved my brain ache with non rotaries
Will get on the 'bay now and order some non rotary 90°s! Won't be here until next week so guess there'll be no more updates until then