Just got an almost automated response from ati, so I've pushed the 'ticket' back at them saying the issue has not been resolved so far.
I had another e-mail from anadtech asking me more info about drivers etc, it kinda takes time to get through all the things before we get any real answers.
I think if we can get together and put together a single typed screen of all the things we have tried in collaboration, in terms of system settings, re-loads, configs, psu specs, amd drivers, hotfix etc. We could then forward this in our initial email and get all bases covered, forcing a quicker answer to the real issue, rather than beating about.
We can just copy, click and paste, the info everywhere we can.
I don't think we should let up the pressure on asus or ati, those reviews look like paste and click results to me anyway, and at best the games were probably played for a couple of mins, to obtain frame rates, even hoping for that much is far fetched............
see how some sites already know we are on to their 'reviews' and using our info as their own??? It's still good though as it puts the word out.
I have spent the last few years playing around with audio circuits, and amplifiers. The situation with reviews in audio, is that the vendor has to pay a fee to get a review in key magazines, this is a fact, and has been well documented by vendors who became known to me.