A8R32-MVP what is it

Nothing to do with me but I do feel sorry for you guys, I know its only just been released but you would expect to have this board work out of the box especially with popular games etc. Makes you wonder in terms of testing they do with mobo's, who is to point the finger at ATI? Asus? reading things like this doesnt give much confidence to the consumers especially when by the looks of it the guinea pigs are the actual consumers I find it rather disgusting especially when you pay for an expensive product.

Hope you get it resolved quickly, maybe this is why Abit, MSI, DFI, Gigabyte? etc havent been so hastey in releasing there version of this product i.e. quality assurance/customer satisfaction before profit margins, but we will have to see wont we.
Hi raja, I not sure if knocking the results of the pre-release reviews is the way to go really. Some of them are quite in depth and go to some lengths to describe how they test. Also some of them are very reputable websites and I don't believe that they could all be 'brought out', or pressurised into what results they've reached. It maybe so that they had pre-release, somewhat reference boards, that by the time a retail version was produced some change was introduced that Asus, in their haste to release first, either overlooked, or assumed had been tested by ATI. Remember that AnandTach had pulled a early review off their website. The truth is, we don't actually know what has gone on, we just want a solution and feel badly let down. I sense your frustration at what has happened, I feel it too. My feeling is that I will give it time, however if a solution isn't found soon, the board will be winging its way back as a rma.

No offence intended, ok?

Now, on a different note, has anyone spotted that before the audio drivers are installed a MS HD hotfix has to be installed? If so does anyone know why this is so and what it does?
The big question , i suppose , is how long exactly do we wait for ?

Ive made the supplier aware of the situation and told them that im going to hang on for a couple of days.

whats everybody else's feelings on this.
my feelings , I have canceled my order for one, I will wait and see

regards the reviews I belive we have to blame them for testing with rose coloured glasses ( for whatever reson ) they did the same with the a8r-mvp best thing since sliced bread , that has very poor voltage regulation

I for one will not believe another review only the users reports in the future


its a ms bug that disables the audio driver ( they left in some code )

Chris no offfence taken, it's cool, sometimes you have to hit pipes to be heard........

In terms of waiting I suppose it depends what other motherboards you have to fall back on, on this sytem this is the only one I have. I was toying with the idea of getting one of the cheaper rd480's to tide me over. It's difficult to say, how long I'll wait. Perhaps someone else will bring out a board that does work well, but I suppose with this experience it's better to wait a month before purchasing a new board.

FWIW I contacted the vendor for my board and they issued an rma immediatley, but the option is open to keep it until the 20th march, or even longer if I wish.

For me at the moment, it means that I can't play BF2 or HL2, for others it may be worse..........

I think that i could also have a faulty capacitor,

This whistling noise cant be right.

Is yours still there raja, or do you only have the problem with the Corsair 3500LL making noise,

I have both unfortunatly

Coolasmoo said:
I think that i could also have a faulty capacitor,

This whistling noise cant be right.

Is yours still there raja, or do you only have the problem with the Corsair 3500LL making noise,

I have both unfortunatly

i dont think you have any alternative but to RMA . It will not get better if its a cap and may take some mem out if it blows
I don't think you have a faulty cap, as it either works or does not work, if it does not work ,it shorts, when it shorts, it pops.

I think the groundplane is picking up some of the frequency from the memory and spraying it to nearby devices, including the onboard sound.

Did you try unplugging the internal speaker yet? I'll try mine asap and let you know....
lordedmond said:
i dont think you have any alternative but to RMA . It will not get better if its a cap and may take some mem out if it blows

Looks like i will RMA then after all.

I will probrably switch back to the board in me sig .

I hope you guys get this problem sorted ASAP, i will keep up the info for you if i get any.

:( :( :(
raja said:
I don't think you have a faulty cap, as it either works or does not work, if it does not work ,it shorts, when it shorts, it pops.

I think the groundplane is picking up some of the frequency from the memory and spraying it to nearby devices, including the onboard sound.

Did you try unplugging the internal speaker yet? I'll try mine asap and let you know....

Yeah i unplugged it raja and it made no difference,

The only way i can stop the noise is by disabling the CPU low power, with that program i mentioned earlier.

I just dont know what to do to be honest


yeah unplugged mine too, noise is still there, I think I'll wait for a while yet, I could live with the noise I think, though it does annoy me. We've put so much energy into this, it'd be nice if it pays off.

Then we can arrange for an online BF2 game.....

I think we can RMA whenever so I'm under no pressure to act fast. If Asus can't rectify the issue it will only strengthen our position for RMA.

What program did you use to get rid of the noise? You may PM me if you wish,

[email protected]

just take out the no spam.

I used a program called RM clock RightMark CPU utility.


Run it, open up advanced CPU Settings.

Select ACPI State to Show/Modify

In the drop down box select C1(Halt)

Uncheck CPU low power enable.

This works, but your CPU will run Hot all the time, so its only a temp fix.

I changed the 3500LLPro to some Corsair 3200 Twin X to test and the noise is still there, so its nothing to do wit our Corsair 3500LLPRO
****Update 07/03/06****

Today we received a new bios (v0033 dated 03/07/06 at 4pm) from no less than 4 sources in ATI and Asus! Having run preliminary tests on this bios we can confirm that both Sandra and PCmark now complete without issue. We are looking into 3d testing at the moment however initial results are promising. It is our intention to suggest to Asus that this beta bios is released for anyone with issues as soon as possible (at this time we have not been given permission to distribute the new bios).

Driverheaven :D
/jumps up & down

I'm *almost* as excited as you guys because I really want to build a Xfire system this month around the rd580 chipset and was all set on ordering this board.
Hi, me fingers are crossed, not going to get too excited yet, did that when I ordered this motherboard and look where it got me :mad:
Hello all,

First off, on behalf of those of us without a voice, thank you for your hard work and determination in seeing this issue through. It is refreashing to see so many people rally around a cause (albeit online)

I suffer from the same issues as you good folks do, I am in america and bought my board here. I have the 1.03g like you all have.

I have spent many hours on the phone with asus technical support for various reasons during the last few days. Here is what I have discovered for those who did already know this.

1.) Asus claims that the order of installation of the drivers have changed, the new order should be

xp install..
dx 9.0c
south bridge drivers
videocard drivers
network drivers
any other drivers
Last audio drivers

2.) Asus claims that the Auto update for the bios will not be supported anymore, the fellow I spoke with sent me to get the lastest version of afudos221.exe. (im sure you guys know this) So no need to beat your head on the keyboard trying to make it work.

Also, I have discovered that if I touch my wood desk that my cumputer makes the humming sound, no im not kidding.. the same sound next to the cpu that yours makes.. mine only does it when my body touches my desk..

To further murky the water, my computer is on the floor a carpeted floor at that.. it in no way touches the desk whatsoever. any ideas? I do have a lot of things plugged into one socket, perhaps larger or newer surge protector?

Again, thanks for your work in this matter..


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