A8R32-MVP what is it

update on humming*

I have the humming next to the cpu that a lot of you folks have, It is intermittent and doesnt seem to be reproducable except by (hold your hat on) touching my wood computer desk...yes, im not kidding.. I can lay a towel down or wear a long sleved shirt and touching my desk does not reproduce the hum, touch it with one finger and the humm starts.. (go ahead and laugh) I have removed everything from the desk, and went as far as using a stethascope with a surgical glove over the end of it to listen while my wife touches the desk..it repeats 100% of the time..

I tried a new surge buster and that fixed my issue, seems the amount of power required for the larger crossfire system was to much for the ole surge buster I had..

I've been following this thread for the last week and a bit, just havn't felt the need to pipe up... *BUT*

I think all you guys complaining about IRQ sharing are barking up the wrong tree... Take a look at some "older" systems, and see if they share...

Here's what my Asus P4C800-E Deluxe looks like (which might I add is prolly the best 875 chipset baised intel board around... to each his own, but i know a ton of people who still are using them with some massive overclocks on their 2.4c's):

IRQ Usage Summary:
(ISA) 0 System timer
(PCI) 7 Intel(R) 82801EB
(ISA) 8 System CMOS/real
(ISA) 9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant
(ISA) 13 Numeric data
(ISA) 14 Primary IDE
(ISA) 15 Secondary
(PCI) 16 RADEON X850
(PCI) 16 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 16 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 17 SoundMAX
(PCI) 18 Intel(R) PRO/1000
(PCI) 18 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 18 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 19 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 20 Hercules Game
(PCI) 23 Intel(R) 82801EB
(PCI) 23 WinXP Promise

I've never had any issues with in game pausing, or anything of that kind... Granted, it's a compleatly different platform, but OS' have matured to the point that you don't have to worry about your DMA or IRQ allocation...

I still have one of these boards on order through a local shop here in Canada, as I expect the problem to be solved (and looking a few posts up, it looks like it probibly will be) very shortly.

I hate being a glorified beta tester as much as anyone else, but it's to be expected being an early adopter... It's not like the RD580 chipset is a minor revision to the RD480... and remember, this is only the second chipset ATI has released... Not saying that's an excuse to botch things up, but Intel and Nvidia have been doing it for a weee bit longer... :) I'm willing to cut them some slack...
leethaxor4u said:
Hello all,

First off, on behalf of those of us without a voice, thank you for your hard work and determination in seeing this issue through. It is refreashing to see so many people rally around a cause (albeit online)

I suffer from the same issues as you good folks do, I am in america and bought my board here. I have the 1.03g like you all have.

I have spent many hours on the phone with asus technical support for various reasons during the last few days. Here is what I have discovered for those who did already know this.

1.) Asus claims that the order of installation of the drivers have changed, the new order should be

xp install..
dx 9.0c
south bridge drivers
videocard drivers
network drivers
any other drivers
Last audio drivers

2.) Asus claims that the Auto update for the bios will not be supported anymore, the fellow I spoke with sent me to get the lastest version of afudos221.exe. (im sure you guys know this) So no need to beat your head on the keyboard trying to make it work.

Also, I have discovered that if I touch my wood desk that my cumputer makes the humming sound, no im not kidding.. the same sound next to the cpu that yours makes.. mine only does it when my body touches my desk..

To further murky the water, my computer is on the floor a carpeted floor at that.. it in no way touches the desk whatsoever. any ideas? I do have a lot of things plugged into one socket, perhaps larger or newer surge protector?

Again, thanks for your work in this matter..



HI Mike,

thanks for posting here
does asus say that order of installation supposed to cure the problems we are currently having? I doubt that would fix it, I suppose they're trying to eradicate certain drivers sitting with one another.............

well here goes,

I seem to have fixed the problem, I have played hl2 today for 2 hours with no issues to speak of. I played bf2 for about an hour without issue also.

I was able to achieve stable results in 3dmark05/06 and pcmark05..

I take no credit for this if it works for you as well as it did for me, but this is what Asus tech told me to do.

Uninstall any videocard drivers installed, uninstall any soundcard drivers and also the uli sata drivers.

Reinstall in this EXACT order.

Download and install Directx 9.0c (even if you already have it) the december 05 version
Install chipset drivers (uli sata)
Install the latest Marvell lan drivers from Asus website
Install ANY other drivers
Last install your soundcard drivers

Use driver heavens own driver cleaner to remove anything left behind

This made a WORLD of improvment in my system, apparntly Microsoft has contacted Asus about a bug that causes system instablility in 9.0c games, like bf2 and hl2.. They claim that the sp2 version is not 9.0c updated resulting in any hardware installed ontop of it to be unstabil.

Also Microsoft and Asus and ATI claim the #1 system trouble always comes from sound cards, onboard or not.

I followed the directions and it worked very well thus far, you decide if it works for you or not.


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leethaxor4u said:
well here goes,

Download and install Directx 9.0c (even if you already have it) the december 05 version
Install chipset drivers (uli sata)
Install the latest Marvell lan drivers from Asus website
Install ANY other drivers
Last install your soundcard drivers



Hi there,

I appreciate any input and its great that we are all trying together to get this thing sorted :cool:


I always install in a similar fashion as yourself

Heres what i do:

Load XP With SP2 integrated
Install Chipset drivers.
Onboard Lan
Get updates from MS to include Net Framework for CCC to run
Direct X February Edition
Catalyst Drivers
Creative XFI
Copperhead Drivers
Keyboard Updates

I cant see this being to far away from what your saying, and im sure like Driverheaven suggested, its a timing issue in the bios.
Mmmm, good work if it succeeds in curing the problem, but one small thing, the southbridge drivers are inbuilt into XP and as far as I know there are none unless ULi has some on their site, I'll take a look later. The sata drivers are different thing as if I uninstall them won't my drives stop working, thus crashing XP? I have to load these at the point of installing XP using F6 so how do I get around that? There is a Feb version of directx, should I install that also I wonder...

Yes IRQ sharing shouldn't be the issue, hopefully we've established that, but thanks for your contribution anyway :-)

chriscatt said:
Mmmm, good work if it succeeds in curing the problem, but one small thing, the southbridge drivers are inbuilt into XP and as far as I know there are none unless ULi has some on their site, I'll take a look later. The sata drivers are different thing as if I uninstall them won't my drives stop working, thus crashing XP? I have to load these at the point of installing XP using F6 so how do I get around that? There is a Feb version of directx, should I install that also I wonder...

Yes IRQ sharing shouldn't be the issue, hopefully we've established that, but thanks for your contribution anyway :-)


If you use your sata drives in Emulated mode (Bios Default) then microsoft drivers work fine.

If you use the other mode, then you need Uli Drivers

If you load XP like i did with Emulated Sata, then decide you want the enhanced mode after installation, just install the Uli driver and reboot the system, then change it over in the bios.

From a fresh install, you need to put the Uli on a floppy and press F5 during the install screen

The Uli driver gave me the option to enable/disable NCQ and tells you if your unning sata at 1.5/3.0

sorry for the late reply chaps - my old email has expired and I couldnt log in to post last night e.t.c e.t.c

Built the system and it wont even post - trouble is I have an Antec P180 case with no speaker - so couldnt listen to the beeps - brought the gfx card to work today and that works fine, and have nabbed an old speaker to take home tonight - and my gskill memory has run for weeks in the old system fine (also swapped out for some crucial as well), so it's either the mobo or the cpu - what are the odds on a duff FX-60?


p.s nice to see some progress - will definitely install in that order when it finally posts..
Hi, I'm actually running raid mode..

I've just checked my e-mails to find I have a reply from Asus in regard to my ticket raised with them. My query was:
[Problem Description]
Games lag through excessive HD access, stuttering in Quake4. Main HD connected through ULi ok
(Maxlines) Second 2 HD's connect to ULi unable to complete format unless I perform it through
Recovery Consule HD's work fine connected to a A8V Sillicon Sata

Their answer was:
Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.

My name is ZYC and I would be assisting you today.

Sir, if that is caused by harddisk accessing ,

i suggest you try to update chipset driver for a test ,

the sata disk controller driver is a part of chipset driver :


Not had time to try it yet as I'm at work, might get time lunchtime if not later on this PM....
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Hi, leethaxor4u, well I for one can't even perform the install the way you've suggested as I have to load the ULI Sata drivers before I can install XP. I run two HD's as a raid configuration, raid_0, and I'm not about to give that up.

I need clearer answers, you say that "apparrently Microsoft has contacted Asus about a bug that causes system instablility in 9.0c games, like bf2 and hl2.. They claim that the sp2 version is not 9.0c updated resulting in any hardware installed ontop of it to be unstable.", and go on to state that " Also Microsoft and Asus and ATI claim the #1 system trouble always comes from sound cards, onboard or not."

Can you link me to a MS, Asus or ATI statement to that effect as I've not seen one and all this is news to me. I would have also thought that ATI and ASUS would have informed DH of this as they are the ones who have been in direct contact...
Now I'm not knocking you and your solution, I'm willing to try anything if it works, but having installed XP four times now I'm not about to lose another activation by repeating what I've already done
hello chris,

Let me start off by saying that I also wouldnt waste an install...

Here is what I would do.

I would uninstall.

Videocard drivers
soundcard drivers
and any other drivers (otherthan uli)

Then I would start by installing

directx 9.05 (dec 05)
videocard drivers
network drivers (from asus site)
any other drivers
Sound card

I used driver cleaner before the install, and rebooted after finishing..

Follow them the way there laid out and see if it works for you, I have no raid.

Again, I was just playing bf2 again this morning, does that mean it will work for you? Who knows, but it worked for me.

Asus tech is the one who verbally told me of the bug.


chriscatt said:
I would have also thought that ATI and ASUS would have informed DH of this as they are the ones who have been in direct contact...

Is that what the article said? I seen nothing of the sort, infact what I read was that they were fixing a hdd acess issue, who says there related? Are they? This fix I used suggested they werent, but who knows. All I know is that it worked for me so far and I have played a lot in the last day.

Hi again, taken from DH:
"So we now had several applications giving us unexpected results. In an attempt to fix this we performed numerous installs, new CPU’s, memory, psu, gfx, heatsink/fans, drives, drivers, patches and an initial updated BIOS (0307). You name it and we more than likely swapped it out. All the while our voltages and temps were reporting fine through bios and Asus probe.

So having given up we contacted ATI (and they contacted Asus) looking for any assistance…

…a few days later we received a note from ATI with a new Bios attached. The note accompanying the bios stated that a timing issue had been found and that this was resolved by the new bios. This happened early on the 4th March which by this time was well after NDA expiry so most other reviews you have seen of this board use the BIOS which has timing issues."

Hi again,

Does that say anywhere that the "timing issue" causes poor game performance? Because if it does, please point me to it.

I`m not going to argue, you do as you please, it is after all your computer, but while you wait for a fix that may or may not fix the gaming issue, I will be playing BF2 and HL2

Hi, as DH has the same issues as we have with games, that's why they've not published their review, that's why they contacted Asus and ATI and that's the answer they've come back with, it's all there on the DH page for all to read.
You can play HF2 and BF2 for all you are worth, but if you are playing it with settings that equate to DX7 and DX8 then you are hardly going to get the kind of graphic intensity and performance we are looking for with DX9. Have you actually played these games with everything full on? If you are happy with that then fine, and for your info I'm using the latest Feb dx redist as well.

BTW, to all you others out there, the updated Sata drivers haven't worked..

I think we need to calm down a bit with all this try this and try that,

I really can see that your trying to help leethaxor4u and im sure everybody appreciates the input.

From all the information i can gather , there must be nearly every other owner of this board with the stutter issue, if not most of them

Not everybody will install drivers/patches in the same order but one thing they have in common is the board stutters.

I would rather wait to see if this bios will resolve it, i just cant be bothered uninstalling / re-installing etc when ive wasted not hours but DAYS on this board so far.

You seen in the pic i posted, just what my setup looks like at the moment, thats bad enough.

Anyway, i did have some good news today from the supplier.

Hi, please let us know how it goes, if the board is still unstable let us know ASAP and we will raise an RMA

Best news this week so far :(

Okay I'll be the g-pig, but I'm not screwing with the ULI drivers,


I'll let you guys know if it works,

also I have further stuff to try though I'm not convinced myself, look here

As i posted i did cancel my order for this m/b but i have blagged one to test with with the view to purchase from a local pc supplier

installed and loaded my normal way just stick the disk in and let it go

ok major lock ups in the said games

found a source for cat 6.3 from rage3d then applied the patch below
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2. Right-click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, point to New, and then click Key.
3. Type Throttle for the new key name.
4. Right-click Throttle, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
5. Type PerfEnablePackageIdle for the value name.
6. Right-click PerfEnablePackageIdle, and then click Modify.
7. In the Value data box, type 0. Make sure that Hexadecimal is selected in the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, and then click OK.

Note You can type 1 in the Value data box to enable the new performance state policy behavior.
8. Quit Registry Editor.

applied the duel core driver from AMD site

guess what BF2 goes like a train
but i am not sure which one did it :o
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