A8R32-MVP what is it

Hi, it is an Antec NeoHE 550W Modular ATX2.0 PSU purchased at the same time as the motherboard, yes all is connected correctly....
chriscatt said:
Hi, it is an Antec NeoHE 550W Modular ATX2.0 PSU purchased at the same time as the motherboard, yes all is connected correctly....
that seems to rule out that then, its very strange that the system booted ok and then refused to , i wonder what has changed.

the reason i suspected PSU was because its the only common thing in your system to both builds, apart from the GFX
Hi, yes it is strange why it first boots ok but then after a couple of BSOD's it won't, it does seem like somewhere the settings have change, unless the ram is faulty of course. Not sure if this is any use but I've loaded the pic of A64 tweaker here however it is from my Kingstons...
Coolasmoo said:
Google for A64 Tweaker, it is a fantastic little program and will allow you to tweak or show current memory configuration in Windows.

It will also show you if you are running 1T or 2T

Thanks for that :) According to A64 Tweaker mine had 2T enabled too... which is a bit of a puzzle because although I had everything set to auto on the m/board, i had been through it all previously (when i first got the board and with 0211 bios) and manual'd everything to see what the underlying values defaulted to and I am damned sure the command rate was at 1T and the relevant timings were at 3-2-3-8 :confused: I wont mention what A64 Tweaker said the values were at while auto'd :mad: It did make me wonder whether the program was reading the settings properly or whether when you change the bios setting from auto, the value that is then highlighted under the 'manual' choices is actually the one that was being used when on auto. I don't think it is!

Having said that, I've now changed to 3-2-3-8 and CMD ADDR to 1T and only gained 40 points in 3DMark05 LOL

Maybe the 0311 update changed things more than I realised? I can't say for sure because immediately after it came out was when I discovered my X1900 master card was duff and since I'd only been benching at stock speeds with '05 at that point I have nothing else to compare things against :rolleyes:

Er... hope at least some of that made sense lol
lordedmond said:
That is identical to mine except for Trfc 14 yours is 13

what the hell that is i do not know

thats with the corsairs same spec as yours

And mine too now I've put it to manual settings, except my Trfc is at 17
EDIT: I tell a lie. My Trp is at 2
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I do think that this 311 bios was a quick and dirty fix to get the m/b working with the problem games, to avoid a lot of bad press.

If i did not play bf2 plus others i would flash back to 201 for IMHO that bios was better for every day use , better mem timings ect.

asus I thing have altered things in a scorched earth way , nevermind the result get it working

but hey thats my opinion right or wrong

well it seems that this whole thing is still screaming for another bios update for some.

FWIW Gark Key emailed me asking if I had noticed 10-15% less overclocking ability with the newer bios. This does not suprise me as I think Asus ran the original bios very aggresivley, which is why the overclocks were higher, but ultimatley not usable.

I think this board is more suited towards dual core overclocking, which run at higher multipliers, therfore requiring lower htt speeds for overclocks. Going over 250 HTT causes issues for some.

Chris it would be a good idea to post your findings and issues, to anadtech, driverheaven and also asus technical. If you are interested in fixes, the problems must gain wider recognition. I know it's frustrating, and at times we have all been there with this board, but the only way forwards is to push hard for an update.

My system is fine @ 2.7ghz with an 11X multi, if I go lower, I lose the benefits of the higher HTT by having to use dividers etc, then overclocking becomes finicky.

chriscatt said:
Hi, thanks raja, what I don't understand is why this memory is ok in other users setups, seems like I am alone in having these issues, even Corsair have tested them http://memtest.corsairmemory.com/print_report.aspx?model=Asus++A8R32-MVP&pn=CMX1024-4000PT&id=5115 Do you think it's worth trying different modules just incase it is mine that are faulty?

the fact that they run fine on other motherboards seems to suggest it's a problem with this motherboard/bios.

Remember we know some of these motherboard are funny, both coolasmoo and myself have a screaming sound coming from our 3500LL pro using our first motherboards. The one I recieved from OCUK is fine though. Plus the fact that I don't have an opteron which requires really high HTT's.

Ok it's getting a little interesting now, with the previous motherboard I tried single corsair modules in all of the slots, but had no joy. Now, with this new one, I've got one running ok and have played TOCA with no crashes, if I put the other module into the same slot on its own, I get no post, so what does this indicate? In the motherboard I tested the modules in I think they were being run at 133 x 2, as it had a sempron cpu in it, that might account for why they are ok in that one but not is this one, which is running at 200 x 2. Anyone agree with this so far? Therefore, does this indicate that one of the modules is faulty, ie. unable to run at it's optimum settings?
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@raja: Okay, I've set PLL to high speed, and set two other option to "Optimal".

Should the Link Three State be enabled or disabled?

And I still can't find where to change the board voltage. There is a Northbridge Over-voltage and Southbridge Over-voltage option (with only a choice to enable or disable.. or leave it on auto). Is that what you are refering to?
raja said:
so hold in the power switch, as soon as you hear the computer switch off very quickly press in the power switch again to re start it (be quick), I find it then loads my overclock without the failure screen (weird I know, get to an overclock you are happy with and leave it, if you push it too far you'll have to jumper reset the cmos to get any post at all....)
Ooh, I need to give this a try. Maybe it'll allow me to at least use the 2/3 divider..

Just need to check something with you.

On your slave card, did you install the crossfire dongle in the top DVI slot or the bottom one.

Or doesnt it matter
PCI Problems!!!

All is not well with my board (Rev 1.03g). I have waited before installing until all the problems seem sorted out, but that was just wishful thinking.

Just finished a fresh install. Bios 0311.

I cant use onboard sound because when its using the onboard Marvell network controller it whines through my speakers really badly :eek: . So I installed my Sound card (Hercules Fortissimo 7.1). When it is in the bottom PCI slot it hangs after the post screen at "checking NVRAM" and in the second to bottom PCI slot it wont detect my card at all :(

I cant see any BIOS options that would affect this. Does anyone have any ideas??
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