A8R32-MVP what is it

Nystylin74 said:


Im happy enough with the performance of the Uli driver that was shipped, it just bugs the life out of me when something as stupid as this happens.

Ive got another machine next to me that uses an Abit motherboard and an X1800XT and it just works fine and handles anything/driver i throw at it.
Hey, when I build my system in about a week, ordering tomorrow.. Let's see if I have the same issues. I'm getting a little worried, but at the same time. The problems seem random; it's as if it was every other board that went out bad or the robot making them decided to mess with us and jacked up random boards.... I know what you mean when you say that you have everything set right but it just doesn't work...I guess we all thought that 1+1=2 but sometimes it might equal 3...
Nystylin74 said:
Ok, time for me to pack up my stuff and end the work day, I'll be back reading the forum in like an hr/ hr and a half.


It usually gets abit quiet around here at this time of night, but things will be back to normal ranting tomorrow ;)
A8R32-MVP Onboard LAN Corruption

Well, I'll start off with a rant...

I've recently discovered that the onboard NIC (both the PCIe and the PCI ones are affected) on my A8R32-MVP is corrupting data when copying files over my LAN. I've posted all the sordid details over on the Driverheaven forum A8R32-MVP thread. If anyone here can try to reproduce the problem it would help greatly!

Check the Driverheaven posting, but the general idea is that as a test I copied over a folder of approx 1.5GB of JPEGs from a file server to my ASUS box (sometimes alone, and sometimes while copying other files), then checked the files with a pre-generated MD5 sum. A bunch of them would show up corrupt.
I read that post earlyer today and it's in good detail, wierd problem though. Never heard of that happening... Does it happen only when you copy the same file to 2 different locations at the same time or does it happen always?
Nystylin74 said:
I read that post earlyer today and it's in good detail, wierd problem though. Never heard of that happening... Does it happen only when you copy the same file to 2 different locations at the same time or does it happen always?

When I'm testing I'm basically always copying more than one file, as I was copying whole folders full of files. When I referred to the 1 vs. 2 thing, I meant copying more than 1 folder simultaneously.

In other words, start one file copy going (a folder full of JPEGs). Then start another one, from a different location on the server, while that first one is still going.

The errors happen either way, though they are a LOT more common when I do it as I described above (where it always happens). If I copy just the one folder, I'd say I get a perfect copy about 1/3 to 1/2 of the time, the rest are corrupt just like everything else.

I have learned some new stuff in my testing tonight, but I'm exhausted (I'm in the US so it's the middle of the night) so I'm going to pass on posting the details until tomorrow. Plus, I'm going to run some testing on the systems overnight, so that info might be useful.
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Coolasmoo said:
I tried that and it didnt work because the Uli drivers were still on the system

I got it to work with Microsoft drivers in IDE Mode or the 21/11/2005 version in Sata mode

It looks like that Sapphire 580 board with the Ati SB450 looks tempting after all :(

I hear from a reliable source that the boards are shipping in the UK on the 10th of April...

Hope OcUK are gonna stock em, they have good shipping to cyprus

raja said:
It's the DFI board that interests me, but I'll wait this time.....
Hi Raja , thats the one im going to go for, as soon as i can get my hands on one, got some nice features like bios reloaded
Hi, rma'd memory booked in to be tested either today or tomorrow. gonna order replacement, any suggestions for 2 x 1g capable of being overclocked?
andyr said:
Hi Raja , thats the one im going to go for, as soon as i can get my hands on one, got some nice features like bios reloaded

I would not dive straight in this time, better to wait a month...............
hi , mushkin redline will do 3-3-2-8 timings at 260fsb 1:1 and i believe that the ocz eb is very good otherwise if you want to run on a divider the corsair 3500 pro is sound as a lot of the people on here have , i had the corsair 3200 pro but that was 2 times 512 sticks on 2-2-2-5 and ran a divider to keep it at 200fsb and it ran as good as the mushkin with hardly and difference in any benchmark i ran
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