In some circumstances, absolutely!
*Edit* this line of reasoning also raises a very pertinent question — do you put the rights of the zygote/blastocyst/embryo/fetus above those of the mother?
Unless I've missed it, you still haven't told us how you voted in the poll.
"Some circumstances" you say? In "some circumstances" a parent (or parents) who think they have no chance of raising a happy child turn out to be wrong and end up with a child or children that are very much happy to be alive.
Adopted children have a better chance of living a happy life than aborted children. The chance of a terrible life is there too, but I don't think adoption makes for particularly bad odds itself.
Again, the choice is not between a terrible life with a parent that doesn't think they are ready to have a child ...or abortion. This is a false choice.
I have posited that parental responsibility begins before birth and is not contingent upon "want". Parents' "rights" should be weighed against their responsibilities to the children they create. My son and daughter-in-law are expecting. They seem to feel responsible for the well-being of the child already. My daughter-in-law has "rights" but she is already weighing them against her responsibilities to the child.
As for the poll, it doesn't have an option that fits me. I think brain activity may be the marker we should use for when society protects the child. Everything that makes us "us" is literally in our head. I think once there is no brain activity, there is no us, so the same could be said prior to brain activity starting. I realize that there are different levels of activity, and those levels have different implications, but activity vs no activity is a marker that's measurable and verifiable.
Just to reiterate. I don't think aborting a 20-week fetus is the same as murdering a random person walking down the street, but I also don't think that fetus is just a random growth to be discarded like a mole or a wart. These two positions are examples of each side trying to overplay their hand.
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