Not all women get pregnant from reckless encounters. Not all men count their blessings by being childless.
Ok so you have the same position as me, you aren't pro-choice. So for people who are who say it's their body and their choice, then surely that position doesn't stop at viability, otherwise that's not really the argument because the baby is still in their body. There are definitely people with extreme views that you doubt exist, such as there are people with I would argue the less extreme view that life begins at conception
Ok so you have the same position as me, you aren't pro-choice. So for people who are who say it's their body and their choice, then surely that position doesn't stop at viability, otherwise that's not really the argument because the baby is still in their body. There are definitely people with extreme views that you doubt exist, such as there are people with I would argue with the less extreme view that life begins at conception
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that "pro-choice" doesn't automatically mean advocating for "abortion until birth under any circumstances".
Indeed, the poll for this thread has three "pro-choice" options.
Perhaps agreeing definitions before debating the subject would be useful here?
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that "pro-choice" doesn't automatically mean advocating for "abortion until birth under any circumstances".
Indeed, the poll for this thread has three "pro-choice" options.
Perhaps agreeing definitions before debating the subject would be useful here?
It's not really the "pro-choice" label I'm debating though, it's the argument that it's "their body, their choice", if you believe that statement then surely it doesn't stop being their body and their choice at 4, 5, 6 or 8 months. If you think that you shouldn't be able to abort a healthy baby at 8 months then you don't think it is the woman's body and her choice, which is fine.
Again with your "then surely" assumption. NO, you are incorrect. just because a bunch of post-fertilized cells exist inside a woman, does NOT make it the same as a viable human life, it is nonsense to claim it does since it has 0 viability outside the womb.
You seem to be having difficulty with the idea that people can still have a choice *UNTIL* the gestating embryo reaches a stage where it would be viable outside the womb, at which point their choice would not *only* affect them, but a viable human baby also - making it no longer just "their body"
Poor people. Look at NI.Just to confirm, repealing Roe vs Wade doesn't make abortion illegal, it just drops the requirement to the individual states to decide.
So for women who are considering an abortion, if "your" state prevents it you can currently still have it done in another state.
I'm not sure what "new" laws may/may not be approved regarding making this practice (using another state) illegal or not.
Except that for many women it'll mean they can't get one, because whilst it may be legal in the next state over, it might mean taking several days off work/going out of town for several days to even reach the nearest legal facility.Just to confirm, repealing Roe vs Wade doesn't make abortion illegal, it just drops the requirement to the individual states to decide.
So for women who are considering an abortion, if "your" state prevents it you can currently still have it done in another state.
I'm not sure what "new" laws may/may not be approved regarding making this practice (using another state) illegal or not.
Except that for many women it'll mean they can't get one, because whilst it may be legal in the next state over, it might mean taking several days off work/going out of town for several days to even reach the nearest legal facility.
Then there is the whole thing where the likes of Texas are trying to make it so that anyone that helps a woman get an abortion is liable for civil action from random people, so if say you give someone a lift to a state where it is still legal, or loan them some money for the train/air/gas you can be "fined" a huge amount and even if you succeed in defending yourself in court you've still got all the court costs.
Then there are the states where potentially your neighbouring states will also have a ban, so for a legal and safe proceedure you've got to travel to a third state.
Roe vs Wade helped ensure that the poorer, and less well off people still had access, do away with it and you can bet that many of those who have been loudest about wanting it banned will still get them because they can afford to go where it's still legal, but that's all right as they've got a "good reason" for it, unlike anyone else.
The difference is one is taking an innocents ife, the other isn't.
Grim - what was your favourite part of being a toddler?Let me ask you, what was your favourite part of being foetus?
Pro-choice all the way till birth, your body, your choice.
I think werewolf makes a good point. it WILL punish the poor more than the affluent.
and it is absolutely true that some people are happy to make rules but then decide it does not apply to them (and we do not need to look far to see examples of that on our doorstep)
your blasé comment about getting sacked as well appears to show a lack of understanding of how bad it may be for some people who are already on the verge of homelessness whilst potentially trying to feed their actual children.
where as for some people (and I include myself as one of the lucky ones) hypothetically even flying to a different continent WOULD just be an inconvenience.
hmm(with a few exceptions)?
lol. Poor isn't just describing money in the wallet - are you really this socially unaware?If you are that poor though, it is pretty easy not to have children, contraceptive is cheap and readily available. People are absolutely accountable for their life choices and some of you absolutely cannot stand that fact for some reason.