It depends if the choices are regardless of circumstances. If you make an arbitrary law that it's only allowed up to x weeks then it would need to include circumstances where the law included exceptions but whilst the foetus is still under for instance 24 weeks. I think 24 weeks is a bit on the high side though, what is the minimum number of weeks for a premature baby to have a fair chance within SCBU?
Funnily enough, it's 24 weeks. At 22-23 weeks survivability is only 10-30% depending on care level. At 24 weeks it's basically 50/50.
I voted pro-choice until the pre-viability limit, but there should be other options past that limit (induced birth, c section etc.) available if the mother doesn't want to carry to term.
Ended up voting for 6 weeks - not because of the heartbeat, but because that's about the time it takes to miss a period, pee on a stick, book an appointment, and debate it with your partner. At which point I think it's fine to get an opportunity to terminate, but there should be no changing your mind later.
Why not? At 6 or 20 weeks the "baby" has the same survivability rate of 0%. It's a big decision and you're basically saying people should only get 1-2 weeks to make it? What if they rush into an abortion before thinking things through?