I am give or take happy with the rules as they are (like i said personally I would make the final decision point a few weeks earlier unless medical exemptions) but in general, to me they are balanced, however given that adoption of new borns is a thing, and there are many many people desperate to adopt a baby (things get harder as they get older no doubt about that) but even as a pro choice person, imo only in exeptional circumstances where the health of the child is in question I dont think i can believe that abortion is better for a child than being born.
The way i reconcile myself then to abortion is i do not see an early fetus as a child, in the same way that sperm or an egg is not a viable child either.
btw which ever side of the fence you are on, for most decent human beings this isnt an easy thing. TMI warning! We had to have IVF, and as i said earlier in the topic the only reason i agreed with the mrs to try was an agreement that if major abnormalities were found we would abort........ we had the early tests and they showed up every health issue going.. We had 2 eggs implanted, 1 was viable, the other wasnt, but it had started to grow, it was just a mass of cells, never going to do anything but it was enough to render any early tests pointless.
We were told given our initial comments about abortion that the only way to be sure was to wait for what would be a much later termination, or failing that to play it safe and abort a potentially healthy fetus.
we ended up chancing it. We could have much later had tests but these would have been a risk to our baby. .... like i said we chanced it but it was terrifying. I could never judge anyone for making a different decision than the one we did....... Our lad was perfectly healthy in the end so it worked out for us.