Abundance of games - Scarcity of interest.

25 Mar 2005
I was getting bored too with all the live service, grind every day etc, and I was losing interest in gaming. So I started focusing on single player campaigns only, replaying some older games as my steam library is quite good as it is. Also I keep buying only cheap games from very good sales, sometimes CDKEYS. And I am really having a good time playing games again and I am 44 already :D
1 Dec 2004
I was getting bored too with all the live service, grind every day etc, and I was losing interest in gaming. So I started focusing on single player campaigns only, replaying some older games as my steam library is quite good as it is. Also I keep buying only cheap games from very good sales, sometimes CDKEYS. And I am really having a good time playing games again and I am 44 already :D
Got any recommendations?
22 Nov 2003
I hit 53 this year, very depressing. My taste in gaming has changed the last 5 years or so. I find myself playing more & more story-based offline games. I really can't be doing with competitive play or grinding anymore. It frustrates me more than anything and frankly, I feel I'm now too slow.

Similarly I don't chase achievements anymore unless it's something I enjoy. Anything remotely grind related I ignore. New game+ stuff I rarely complete.
18 Feb 2011
We're spoilt for choice and it's as simple as that imo. The days of borrowing a mates megadrive game and playing it through to completion. I had no money so it was either borrow/trade swap games, or go back to my atari 2600 or spectrum & Amstrad cpc464. No 10year old kid wanted to do that, and so we played the hell out of what we have.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
The thing that puts me off a lot of games is the inability to save when you want. I know not all games do this but for those that do, I want to decide when I stop playing not the game.

Yep. Red Dead Redemption 2 is like this. You make a mistake and fail the mission, you need to go all the way back to the start waste 5 minutes listening to the same tripe again while riding your horse into town to start the mission.
7 Aug 2004
Yeah I hear you - I don't care for most games, the only thing I ever keep coming back to is Supreme Commander FAF & Valheim - which I love because its so open and as mentioned above I can save the game when I want!

I did stupidly buy KSP2, which now for £50 is the most day light robbery thing ever to happen to me with games, now the company has taken the money and ran - never seen anything like it for such a high profile game - I'm hoping a large group will sue them.

But yeah, just the 2 games I mostly play now - I did play KSP 1 a lot.

Not really into 'interactive movies' as most big games tend to be.

I have high hopes for sanctuary (sup com spiritual successor as sup com 2 is awful) but otherwise absolutely nothing interests me - Ashlands is out so started Valheim again but not sure how long I'll carry on this time.......may just wait until the finished game then play it through properly.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Depends on the person but maybe for a lot of people that maybe the case.

That's why I honestly think I have so many games now which my 4070 Ti can play that I could easily skip a gen and keep playing what I already have. Already built up a bunch of games I have not played yet and playing those and maybe revisiting a few oldies would easily take me a couple of years.
14 Jun 2004
Im a firm believer of the more games you own, the less games you'll play.

There is a number of reasons for this but it's very common, the people who have the least games will be happier to play a game than someone who has a huge catalog
yer i'd agree, i have a big cataloge at least for me. and some times i just find it hard to focus on even choosing a game.

i tried limitting my self to : only play games i havent completed and complete what i start or if unfinished its prob a game i dont want to paky and move on. but that didnt work out so well for me.
some times you just need soem Supreme Commander FAF or factorio to lighten your day..
18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
Completely agree with original poster, I'm 56 this year and go back waaaay back to zx spectrum/c 16 (never had a 64) and Amiga/PS2 to PC/Xbox/Switch/PC. Having said that I have at times in my life completely stopped gaming then suddenly returned to it again. It's true though that when there's too much choice it becomes worthless but that's the same with everything in life. I'm still buying games on steam, last one was ghosts of tushima and having fun with that but I can already see I could probably get bored of it and abandon it before completion. Done this recently with Baldurs gate 3. Occasionally I find a game that holds my attention like Valhiem did but strangely I don't fancy playing mistlands and the rest. I found that the Resident evil remakes and evil within games kept me interested enough to play them all to the end. Must be that type of thing I like. Although oddly I can't help but be bored very quickly in Red dead 2, so abandoned it for time being. Guess what I'm trying to say is, it's normal and common to feel this way.
13 Sep 2010
Yeah I hear you - I don't care for most games, the only thing I ever keep coming back to is Supreme Commander FAF & Valheim - which I love because its so open and as mentioned above I can save the game when I want!

I did stupidly buy KSP2, which now for £50 is the most day light robbery thing ever to happen to me with games, now the company has taken the money and ran - never seen anything like it for such a high profile game - I'm hoping a large group will sue them.

But yeah, just the 2 games I mostly play now - I did play KSP 1 a lot.

Not really into 'interactive movies' as most big games tend to be.

I have high hopes for sanctuary (sup com spiritual successor as sup com 2 is awful) but otherwise absolutely nothing interests me - Ashlands is out so started Valheim again but not sure how long I'll carry on this time.......may just wait until the finished game then play it through properly.
Pretty much same here, but KSP + ARK instead of Valheim.

What they've done with KSP2 is absolutely shocking, given that we were promised the game was fully funded up to the announced roadmap (colonies, interstellar and multiplayer of some description), but now we won't even get close to feature parity with the original (never mind the buggy as all hell state of the engine). Pretty much the only hope I have now is that someone buys out the IP or that they leave it open enough for modders to carry the torch onwards.... Even the fact that they've gone full radio silence is shocking.

Other games I play now and again are things like Two Point Hospital/University, Tropico, Banished and other city builders... plus the odd couple of rounds on Battlefield before I get frustrated because I'm out of practice and therefore suck :D
22 Nov 2006
All the layoffs etc feed into my confirmation bias that games really aren't as good as they used to be generally.

I think most of the talent just moved on long ago and the push for "diversity" nonsense etc has taken priority over hiring new, real talent.

This generation of games developers lacks people like John Carmack or studios like the old Valve which created Half-Life.

The old greats are still being played because nothing has yet replaced them. As we saw even later games of established franchises went downhill to the point of being cancelled (e.g. Mass Effect)
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14 Jun 2004
over saturated market, and skills.
the dream of make a game earn millions be a hero, now more a make a game be broke and have lots of stress.
most independants makling games have a full or part time job at least as well to supplement income.
ot that talenet in the market at sub let out to other companies as subies
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