but returning it for another isn't the end of the world like some make it out to be.
it is to some when the replacement is as bad or worse than the previous one or the replacement STILL has not turned up. OCUK received 250 units of which Acer have openly said were a bad batch. OCUK employed Acer to sort the problem out yet Acer have left customers high and dry so yes for some spending £700 on a monitor and getting a lame duck with no resolution in sight is the end of the world for them.
What you need to understand is people on here read the review on TFTCentral of how good the monitor was and were salivating to the gills then when they paid £700 (around $1092) and it turned up it was an almighty turd fraught with QC problems. Acer are the Alpha Romeo of the monitor world. A good maybe monitor but if you get a bad one then you are in a whole world of hurt.
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