Right well, aside from us being a bit thick and not closing the door to check the alignment until after, and discovering its out (derp) another successful day of chopping.

(Will figure out how to sort the alignment later...

Rain is ideal weather for this sort of work as I'm sure you'll agree. Enter, the camo canopy!
Crispy crispy where the dirt has just sat under the lip for years.
Bit of valance...
Blurry rot
More canopy action
Cor. Still more of the inner to chop out, have ordered another outer arch to cut up and use as an outer-inner arch. (Inners are NLA)
Can see the inner bit is still crispy even after chopping a fair amount off...
Mmmm new metal!
Still lots more fab to do on the inner bit
And more cutting needed here
Door shut
Shoddy alignment of the panel line...
Peekaboo! Tread depth monitoring system and exterior jack access. Its a feature!