Adam Johnson

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Are you advocating that employers suspend their staff before they are even charged with anything?

Would you rather your child be taught by a teacher whom is currently being investigated for a crime? As an example.

Yes, I think until an investigation has concluded the employee should be suspended depending certain circumstances and context :).
Would you rather your child be taught by a teacher whom is currently being investigated for a crime? As an example.

Yes, I think until an investigation has concluded the employee should be suspended depending certain circumstances and context :).

You've used a very extreme and rare example. In that scenario or similar then of course, you have to act with extreme caution. As a general rule I wouldn't expect a football club to suspend a player for something they've not been charged with and/or are claiming their innocence. Equally I wouldn't suspend an employee of mine under similar circumstances.

Without knowing the ins and outs of this case I wouldn't comment on Sunderland's decision but it's clear you're referring to other incidents previously where clubs haven't suspended their player and as above I'm more than happy for them to do that. Why should they punish their employee and themselves by suspending them for something they haven't been found guilty of and are stating their innocence?
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You've used a very extreme and rare example. In that scenario or similar then of course, you have to act with extreme caution.

As a general rule I wouldn't expect a football club to suspend a player for something they've not been charged with and/or are claiming their innocence. Equally I wouldn't suspend an employee of mine under similar circumstances.

Oh I agree it was an extreme example to be honest.

Do your employee's come in to contact with young children?

Given that Johnson has been arrested in connection with having sex a minor I would expect that in his role he comes in to contact with minors. Could you imagine the PR disaster if this arrest led to a conviction and Sunderland during the investigation allowed him to continue his role with the club.

I think it is a sensible move, given the nature of the crime he has been arrested in connection with in my opinion.
Oh I agree it was an extreme example to be honest.

Do your employee's come in to contact with young children?

Given that Johnson has been arrested in connection with having sex a minor I would expect that in his role he comes in to contact with minors. Could you imagine the disaster?

I think it is a sensible move, given the nature of the crime he has been arrested in connection with in my opinion.

Yes they do but when I said I wouldn't suspend them I was talking generally - if they were charged with something like that then of course you'd have to look at suspending them.

Johnson doesn't have to come into contact with children to do his job though so I wouldn't say it was a given that he had to be suspended. Again, we don't know the details of what's happened or what he's admitted to happening so I wouldn't say either way whether he should or shouldn't be suspended.

As per my edit, it was clear that you were referring to other clubs decisions to not suspend their player when they were being charged with other, less serious (if that's the correct term) crimes.
The onus isn't on the nightclub to stop him having sex with girls underage, even if that's where they met. The court take into account of her age, and because she is under 16, a minor, she can't consent to herself to have sex with him, even willingly. It's just statutory rape.

If he did do it, it's pretty open and shut case and his career is over.
Would you rather your child be taught by a teacher whom is currently being investigated for a crime? As an example.

Yes, I think until an investigation has concluded the employee should be suspended depending certain circumstances and context :).

Well that doesn't happen often in football so not sure why it would be 'lost on a lot of other clubs'.
The onus isn't on the nightclub to stop him having sex with girls underage, even if that's where they met. The court take into account of her age, and because she is under 16, a minor, she can't consent to herself to have sex with him, even willingly. It's just statutory rape.

If he did do it, it's pretty open and shut case and his career is over.

And that is where the law is an absolute ass.
The onus isn't on the nightclub to stop him having sex with girls underage, even if that's where they met. The court take into account of her age, and because she is under 16, a minor, she can't consent to herself to have sex with him, even willingly. It's just statutory rape.

If he did do it, it's pretty open and shut case and his career is over.

It isn't statutory rape. Johnson can quite easily claim he thought she was of age and this won't go further. His word against her's etc.

This won't go anywhere.
And that is where the law is an absolute ass.

Totally agree, I would imagine it's safe to assume that the bar staff and door staff who are trained to look out for the telltale signs of underage people trying to enter nightclubs thought she was over 18 so I think it's only fair that someone in the club (not just Johnson but any male in that club) could assume she is old enough to drink and also have sex.

Problem is she will wear her school uniform, hair in pigtales and freckles drawn on so she looks exactly like a 15 year old (or younger) to court and as soon as she walks in the jurys mind is made up, she should be made to arrive at court looking exactly like she did on the night out and the jury should all be given 8 pints and then lets see what their thoughts are.
The onus isn't on the nightclub to stop him having sex with girls underage, even if that's where they met. The court take into account of her age, and because she is under 16, a minor, she can't consent to herself to have sex with him, even willingly. It's just statutory rape.

If he did do it, it's pretty open and shut case and his career is over.

And that's kind of the ridiculous bit about it.

I get that you shouldn't assume, but if you live in the real world, you're not asking a girl for ID and looking to see her passport before you smash her back doors in
Totally agree, I would imagine it's safe to assume that the bar staff and door staff who are trained to look out for the telltale signs of underage people trying to enter nightclubs thought she was over 18 so I think it's only fair that someone in the club (not just Johnson but any male in that club) could assume she is old enough to drink and also have sex.

Problem is she will wear her school uniform, hair in pigtales and freckles drawn on so she looks exactly like a 15 year old (or younger) to court and as soon as she walks in the jurys mind is made up, she should be made to arrive at court looking exactly like she did on the night out and the jury should all be given 8 pints and then lets see what their thoughts are.

Do you think him being drunk would be an excuse ? That's silly talk right there.

Do we know he allegedly picked her up at a club or are people assuming ?
Pretty sure that in a few years time you will be treading a very dangerous line if you:

A) Have sex with a girl who is drunk at all.
B) Have sex with a girl without getting proof of her age.

I'm glad that we come down hard on rapists in the UK but this sort of case highlights the complete inadequacies of the way we deal with cases of underage sex.

On a somewhat related note, I read this article the other day which is about the men involved in the Delhi bus rape case and it just makes you sad that this is home some people genuinely think about these things.
Yeah but he was with his best mates daughter and knew exactly how old she was and it went on for quite a while.

It seems Johnson pulled in night club. If she lied to get in there, the case should be dropped. If he knew the score then he deserves to get banged up for a long time.

I'd agree with that. How many people these days actually ask ladies in a club how old they are - bit cheeky for a start.

I haven't read any of the articles on the case, is she the one pressing charges, or is this likely something being pressured on by her parents?
The question is why would he cheat on the lass he's with in the first place?! She's pretty fine from these Google searches I've made. ;)

Footballers amaze me sometimes, they really do. Have all the money in the world and in some way are tempted to throw it all away at a moments notice.

Sense of entitlement? I would argue that there is a large majority of men in this country who objectify women and have a sense of entitlement too, given his wealth and status it could only increase.

It has nothing to do with how nice / attractive his partner is. She will not leave him though, as who else will fund the type of life style she is accustomed.
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