Adam Johnson

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The rags claim she was bragging online and then her Dad contacted the police because end concerns about the rumour. They've also shown a picture of her.

Surely the press should be held accountable because what ever the result of this his life with be ruined and she's going to have a pretty tough time from 'the internet' as well.
I think this sentence kinda sums up a lot of "lads" who think women are there for one thing...

"Sex them up" Have a word.

Well, what I said doesn't actually equate to that.
I was obviously being "funny" with the "sex them up"

I don't think women are there for one thing, but there are women who will go out on a night out wanting to get smashed from behind.
Sense of entitlement? I would argue that there is a large majority of men in this country who objectify women and have a sense of entitlement too, given his wealth and status it could only increase.
It has nothing to do with how nice / attractive his partner is. She will not leave him though, as who else will fund the type of life style she is accustomed.

Objectifying women could be classed as sexist, so can assuming that a woman you've never met won't leave her husband basically due to his wealth :/
Objectifying women could be classed as sexist, so can assuming that a woman you've never met won't leave her husband basically due to his wealth :/

We were having this debate (about objectifying women) in regards to texts from the 1500-1650's poetry the other day at Uni.

Sexist? maybe, but it also has a lot to do with the ecclesiastical and patriarchal context of the time. Now you could argue that it is (in this country) less of an ecclesiastically reason but still one of patriarchal, similarly according to Dawkins you could argue that it is in mans interest to plant his seed with as many women as possible because the ideology of 'love' is quite modern, so it becomes a bit more of 'male nature' to want to objectify women in the sexual sense.

I've not said that I objectify women by the way. I have said that I think there are people who do, and I would be right by that assumption. You only have to spend nights out with young men to understand this. It is strongly linked to the 'grey area' of consent too.

The assumption about her not leaving Johnson is not really sexist? There have been footballers in the past who have committed adultery and their partners have not left them. The life style and wealth they enjoy with that partner would be diminished or totally removed if they left the footballer.
The assumption about her not leaving Johnson is not really sexist? There have been footballers in the past who have committed adultery and their partners have not left them. The life style and wealth they enjoy with that partner would be diminished or totally removed if they left the footballer.

So you're basing your assumptions on his wife simply because other footballer's wives have stuck with their husband when they've cheated on them and are assuming that wealth and lifestyle are the only factors that keeps them together.
You know nothing about her, you can't use that as an assumption and it doesn't really say much about what you think of other footballer's wives either as again you don't know any of them.
It's either sexism or just plain old stereotyping at best, neither of which are very good opinions.

So you're basing your assumptions on his wife simply because other footballer's wives have stuck with their husband when they've cheated on them and are assuming that wealth and lifestyle are the only factors that keeps them together.
You know nothing about her, you can't use that as an assumption and it doesn't really say much about what you think of other footballer's wives either as again you don't know any of them.
It's either sexism or just plain old stereotyping at best, neither of which are very good opinions.

I'm sorry you'll have to point out to me where in the post quoted in there is sexism?

As for making an assumption based on previous similar situations, well... that is not really a stereotype either, it is using previous evidence to inform the assumption. It is a bit like 'I think X because Y has happened before'.

I originally said that I do not think that she will leave him, as she will be accustomed to the lifestyle. That is not sexist :confused:.

I have said that the lifestyle that footballers partners come accustomed to is part of the reason they stay together, I have not said at any single point that is the only reason. I certainly think it is a reason :). Johnson has also just had a young child with his partner, and has the support of his partners mother (off the top of my head) so no, I doubt the lifestyle and wealth is the only reason, I have not said it is the only reason though.

Such a pointless clarification.
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Objectifying women could be classed as sexist, so can assuming that a woman you've never met won't leave her husband basically due to his wealth :/

I'm just so glad I wasn't the only one that thought this when reading the comment.
If it's more than just JohnnyG that read my comments that way then I can only apologise. They were not my views, rather an explanation. I explained my comments and made it clear that they were not my views, rather, as we are taught to do at University you put ideas out there and discuss them.

Women are objectified by men, historically, and that is still true today. It is not that I al saying I have objectified women, but that men do objectify women.

I'll bow out of the forum and promise to work on how I explain myself in future
Been reading more into it and it looks like this girl was obsessed with him and has told her friends that's she's been sleeping with him and her dad has seen the comments.

Hopefully the lad is innocent and his name isn't tarnished by the media and the way they jumped all over it.
The question is why would he cheat on the lass he's with in the first place?! She's pretty fine from these Google searches I've made. ;)

Footballers amaze me sometimes, they really do. Have all the money in the world and in some way are tempted to throw it all away at a moments notice.

That's a good point that many are unaware of or have completely ignored.

But we don't know for sure yet whether he done the deed or not.

Still it's good to see people not judging so quickly, which is usually the case.
I think this sentence kinda sums up a lot of "lads" who think women are there for one thing...

"Sex them up" Have a word.

Oh, yes, this is definitely the lad's doing. She didn't go out to have sex with him or anything and nor do any other women :confused:

Women never objectify men either, not on nights out, not in the media, certainly not on daytime TV.
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