Adult content - Age Verification system - April 2018

The gov't does what it does best - u-turns :D

It wasn't going to work anyway as teenagers know to use a proxy.

The main thing is that it's not as bad as 20 years ago where a perfectly innocent search on Yahoo, Lycos, Alta Vista etc would sometimes return pornographic images. I found it hugely annoying as I wasn't searching for that. At least nowadays "safe search" is available which I have active so I'm not stumbling into that stuff.

For the wider population, it's up to the individual not the establishment. Go back 30 years and it was no different to teenagers looking in the lingerie section of an Argos catalogue. To think that teenagers never did that sort of stuff back then or being able to block them from pr0n now is naive.
They'll think of something worse, more encompassing and entirely totally unenforceable/technically inept.
Anyone with knowledge of IT knows it's not possible to make this work. The internet is built from the ground up to prevent this kind of control.

The filter they previously set up for blocking piracy was also pathetic. Traffic to those sites droped for about 1 day before everyone got round it. Millions spent and nothing achieved.
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