Afghanistan - 20 years on

I'm kinda conflicted with Afghanistan though.

1) Should we have expected the 300k army with every tool at their disposal to fight and kill their own country men? (If they were in-fighting before hand, maybe that's no excuse.)
2) Do the men in the Army even care about having more western style rights for women and people in General? If we look at communism, many people in those countries that were formally communist want that way of life back, even though it's technically worse.
3) The leaders abandoned the people at the first chance it seems. Why was that?
I found this rather amusing:

Taliban hits back at question on restricting free speech and says Facebook censors outlets in the US

The Taliban responded to a question about free speech by pointing out the censorship that happens in the west. Well, he's not wrong is he? How can we aim to spread such values to Afghanistan that we no longer protect at home? speech which an authority doesn't like is subjective which is why freedom of speech is supposed to protect ALL speech..
3) The leaders abandoned the people at the first chance it seems. Why was that?

Probably 7 out of every 10 at the top were just there for the money, power or prestige. Many lacked sufficient experience according to reports. (There is suspicion at least 1 in 3 were paid off by #someone# to hand the country over to the Taliban as well - but that is rumour).

Ultimately the Afghan armed forces were spread out trying to hold large parts of the country without sufficient supplies, equipment and in many cases unpaid in months and often exhausted - their position quickly became untenable.
the people flying them are likely the people the allies trained though rather than the taliban.

people over play how hard it is to fly a helicopter though like it's some magic art, it's not hard to wrap your mind around how a rotor works.

I'm pretty sure I could take off, fly around and land again.

with a few minutes of someone telling be the basic controls, with only flight sim experience in games and flying RC helis for a hobby

flying from A>B likely ain't that difficult, but if something goes wrong obviously you don't have the training or familiarity to actually cope (although I'm sure most people with any interest know about auto rotation)

Loooooool you really need to stop playing BF2.
Loooooool you really need to stop playing BF2.
dood have you seen the controls of the soviet/russian helis they are flying?

I didn't play BF2 I played hardcore sims and flew RChelis that could chop your head off with the rotor blades.

people flew planes into the world trade centre with minimal training..... why you think helis are so much harder?
Trigger discipline is not exclusively a western thing…

It’s exactly this kind of Western/American Pig Dog mentality and propaganda that has resulted in their defeat time and time again. Utter disregard and disrespect for the enemy, completely underestimating them.

We’ve had utter stupidity in this very thread with posters lambasting the Taliban about not being able to fly the helicopters left behind, only for them to immediately lift them and be joy riding around.

From a quick google all I can find is former ANA pilots flying the Russian models. The American stuff all still seems grounded
From a quick google all I can find is former ANA pilots flying the Russian models. The American stuff all still seems grounded

US pulled their mechanics and support staff awhile back, and banned the purchase of Russian helicopters for Afghanistan despite there being significant complications with getting skills and suitable maintenance in place for using the US ones, then they delayed delivery of newer US stuff anyhow probably due to the intention to withdraw - so largely they were left with what was still operational of their older Russian helicopters and a few basic prop jobs (some of which they were also still reliant on foreign contractors to maintain to any significant level).

Despite Biden's claims of "Making sure their air force functions and is operable".

To be fair, you probably could learn to fly it in a very basic manner quite quickly. Learning to take off and land a small aircraft isn't all that difficult really.

To be fair anyone who has spent significant time with a proper flight simulator would stand a chance of at least basic flight - someone who has just played video games and maybe casual simulator use, etc. in reality quite unlikely without proper supervision.
We’ve had utter stupidity in this very thread with posters lambasting the Taliban about not being able to fly the helicopters left behind, only for them to immediately lift them and be joy riding around.
One of the videos was fake, it wasn't Taliban, the other they apparently have someone flying the Mi-17 but so what? Without lots of pilots, and more importantly, mechanics, the aircraft are useless.

The Afghanistan government couldn't even keep them in the air, the Taliban won't fair any better.
Listened to a few of thr speeches, some good debates, ref China, Russia, NATO, UK/US relationships... Good points but I guess ultimately will be forgotten within time.

Let's be honest, the US leadership, Biden and his administration, have totally got this so wrong they should be hounded for this for a while. We need to really pin them on this.

For all your Biden fanatics trying to blame Trump, do one, Biden wanted this for political reasons only, for some sort of morale high ground just to say he got the troops home but its all nonsense. They were leaving months ago leaving the ANA with little choice regarding air support and logistics etc, I was on one the flights of a lot bugging out, we heard it was happening and it was a total shock even to us where we were so it's all BS to say this was planned and prepared for. The US has chinned off us, NATO and the Afghans, to crack on with their rubbish gender/culture wars probably. Hope this stays a stain on them tbh because they don't deserve anything less on this matter.
But the problem is the agreement was made by Trump. Biden could have gone back on that, but they would get slated for that as well.

The only thing the UK might be able to do now is ask to be able to leave a small force there to observe.
Biden wanted this for political reasons only, for some sort of morale high ground just to say he got the troops home

Yup wanted a quick "win" to be seen as getting it done. Likely thought the situation on the ground would unfold much more slowly so it could be more effectively painted as the Afghan government screwing up and looking like they really did do all they could - which in reality isn't the case at all.

But the problem is the agreement was made by Trump. Biden could have gone back on that, but they would get slated for that as well.

Trump did set things in motion more out of intention to spite the incoming government than anything else so there is that but Biden was in charge over the last few months so had options for how he handled it.
the people flying them are likely the people the allies trained though rather than the taliban.

people over play how hard it is to fly a helicopter though like it's some magic art, it's not hard to wrap your mind around how a rotor works.

I'm pretty sure I could take off, fly around and land again.

with a few minutes of someone telling be the basic controls, with only flight sim experience in games and flying RC helis for a hobby

flying from A>B likely ain't that difficult, but if something goes wrong obviously you don't have the training or familiarity to actually cope (although I'm sure most people with any interest know about auto rotation)
…. lol surely not?
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