Age of Empires 2 HD

Just pre ordered this from steam the other night and noticed that you can get early access by April 5th when you pre order it.

Doubt i'll get on tonight, but definately will get some games tomorrow.

Anyone else that's gonna get this, and up for some games then add my steam.


Never got to play this online. £13 is steep considering I already have it, but would love to play against others. :( Decisions...

Would we be able to play big, 8 player games, etc?
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Never got to play this online. £13 is steep considering I already have it, but would love to play against. :( Decisions...

Would we be able to play big, 8 player games, etc?

If the online is the same as original you can play 8 player games, you still can play the original age of empires 2 online via game ranger
So its out at midnight?

I'm ready!

I'm going to try sneak in some playtime before I have to work all weekend :(. Luckly I start work tomorrow afternoon so might stay up..

Wonder if I should play multiplayer.. anyone going to?
Just picked this up, don't suppose it'll work with the IGP in an i5 whilst I wait for the old 670 to return from the shop? :) (I've been amazed that I can still play borderlands 2 at super low resolution but still with fairly high frame rates!).
So its out at midnight?

I'm ready!

I'm going to try sneak in some playtime before I have to work all weekend :(. Luckly I start work tomorrow afternoon so might stay up..

Wonder if I should play multiplayer.. anyone going to?
Its live tommorrow at 6pm.
deffo will work fine!
Just picked this up, don't suppose it'll work with the IGP in an i5 whilst I wait for the old 670 to return from the shop? :) (I've been amazed that I can still play borderlands 2 at super low resolution but still with fairly high frame rates!).
I am away for the weekend so I can't play until after but I booted up my 'old' version tonight. I had to remind myself of how to start correctly, with the boar trick and everything. Very slow game but I still won. Need to get some practice in before taking it online.

Anyone up for a mini tournament in a few weeks? Do it over a weekend or something?
If this finds its way onto GoG I'll really feel spoilt this year :)
These days I have simple tastes.. and frankly between the stronghold HD re-releases, and Settlers 3 gold, its been a brilliant couple months

Can you give more info for links on the settlers 3 gold detail? I still play this against my father and a HD version would be ace...
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