Age of Empires 2 HD

Probably going to buy the 4 pack between some mates :) I thought it was another week until release...oh well I'll play it this weekend then :D
We need to get some 8 player games going for sure.

Never delved into AOE2 to be honest with you, so I'm gonna apologise in advance for my noobish plays! haha
Am I missing something or does it just look exactly the same as AOE2 original?

All I can see is it's added steam workshop. Will not be buying and I will continue to play the original.
It looks exactly the same.

No graphics options or did I miss something?

The "multi monitor mode" seems to be just being able to stretch the game window across all your screens, yes not even fullscreen multi monitor mode.

alt + shift + enter works :)
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Looks like a weak cash grab by Microsoft. They shut down MSN Gaming Zone and Ensemble Studios, then expect people to pay £14.99 for what is a glorified patch? :rolleyes:
HTF do you play lol. I've completely forgotten and keep thinking I'm playing Forged Alliance i.e zooming in/out of the map with mousewheel. Visuals seem unchanged from the original though? Sod all graphical options at all.
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