
Basically Each Beta has a Foucs the first was Elyos 1-10 and the recent one was the first EU you could play Asmo 1-10.

They're taking a very long time in localosation/translation/corrections and want to make sure its spot on. Tbh the english in the chinese version upto 30 seemed fine, there was the odd bug every now and again where you had to switch back to chinese client to pickup/complete the quest but the translating seemed to be 90% done

For some reason they still allowed elyos to be played this one round which I found odd, I'll be popping into the next EU preview event I think despite me playing on the chinese server just to see whats changed.

They seem to be runnign these events ok a bit longer time wise would be better imho as it would allow for more investigation into quests/subquests/map glitches that could otherwise be overlooked.

The one thing that is annoying the hell outta me is that they haven't announced yet how the servers are to be split, theyve already said EU/NA split but theyve not announced how this split is to be done :(

ie- do we need EU/NA Billing, EU/NA registered CC, IP Block

The guys I normally mmo with are all over the world mostly EU and US and thats my problem were not sure which to play and if we do order a loada games not even sure if they'll work :(
AION EU community

AionSource is US based, and once launch comes the differing information will be confusing, so i suggest signing up at for dev/interviews also have links with a few of the staff for insider information.
It's a debateable issue tbh.

I would far prefer that all english speaking "regions" were on one server, I really do dislike when they split them. I think it was fairly well done in guildwars where you had your own zones but also international ones anyone could join.

With mixed servers you're always going to have a contstant pool of people playing at all times around the clock, means if you fancy a late night/long session of grinding then you're probably guaranteed to be able to find a group. Whereas with zoned servers you've got a much lesser chance of being able to do this. Servers will have quiet times which to me is a complete PITA I like my options of beign able to play EU tims or playa long with any other timezone.

On top of which we've still had no info whatsoever from NCSoft so currently about half us us don't even know if we can play with the rest of the normal guys :(
Will we be able to use these keys to create a US account as well?
I already got my EU account ready etc but really wanna see what is it like to play on US servers.
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