
Never had a problem from to be frank but then that was 'back in the day' when custom charges weren't too bad and a lot of stuff sneaked through untouched, now it seems like they've really cracked down and almost everything gets charged
Never had a problem from to be frank but then that was 'back in the day' when custom charges weren't too bad and a lot of stuff sneaked through untouched, now it seems like they've really cracked down and almost everything gets charged

Yer the last thing I got from there, a metal build RX-78-02 Gundam origin version which is about £90ish quid and I just checked got hammered with £36 of charges from parcel force......
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Nearly complete need to add some sand to the base & also a few places on the backpack.


My first Bandai model really pleased with it and the level of detail, Boba Fett is the next one sitting in my lounge ready to be assembled.

Cheers all
Bandai Boba Fett & Stormtrooper finished, need more kits now :)










very nice, im not sure what kit to do next, i have them all or nearly

what are you painting with and how did you pick the colors
Ordered an Iwata Neo airbrush. What compressor do you guys recommend as I presume it does not come with one?
very nice, im not sure what kit to do next, i have them all or nearly

what are you painting with and how did you pick the colors

Thanks for the compliment much appreciated.

I used to build and paint cold cast porcelain 1/6 scale figures, the last 2 that I did were Mulder & Scully way back in 1999.

Got a whole load of Citadel (Warhammer) acrylics in 30 ml pots, which to my surprise after all those years are still ok to use.

Also learn how to Drybrush as well, which is great for picking out small details, just base coat the item you want to drybrush with black, let it dry then take a stiff paint brush put some contrasting colour ie silver onto the brush but wipe most of the silver off with a paper towel, then gently/lightly brush over the high points of detail you want to pick out, you will be surprised at the results ;)

Picked up some Humbrol weathering powders & washes a few weeks ago when the kits arrived.

Boba Fett was all painted by hand, all the parts were washed in soapy water and dried, then primed with Humbrol 01 grey acrylic primer, I actually just left the flightsuit with just with the primer on it, then applied a blue/grey Humbrol wash which after I applied it, wiped of the excess with a paper towel to get the raised areas on the suit a lighter colour.

Sources for painting basically all I did was googled Boba Fett and started looking at the photos that popped up, but tbh with you in the 90's I did build and paint a Screamin Vinyl 1/6 scale Boba Fett which took weeks to do (it even had a cloth cape) sadly I sold it on once it was complete but wished I had kept hold of it.

A good tip with the Bandai kits is to avoid putting too much paint on them as they are a bit of a pain to snap together if there is too much paing on the area where one part snaps into another.

Hope this helps :)

Cheers all
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First time I've done some proper weathering on the falcon. This is the recessed panel on the underside. Was the Falcon really old and rusty or have I severely overdone the weathering?

I think the flash makes it look far worse than it is. I showed a pic without the flash to another modeller doing it and he said it looked very good, so I think I'm OK.
I used to do a fair bit of modelling in my teens when I was a huge history buff but this fell by the wayside when I found new hobbies - as you do at that age. Whilst I still have many of those hobbies I did get given an MB 1/35 "Breda" T-1A model kit and I'd like to get back into the whole modelling thing.

Years ago, I found the Revell Contacta glue to be the best, especially the one with the long metal application 'nozzle'. Is this still the best one to go for?

What about paints? Think most of my old humbrols/airfix paints have probably dried out after a decade - should I replace with similar brands?

Finally, this weather that some of you chaps seem to have mastered - how does one go about it and what materials do you use for it?
Just finished my Revell 1:12 2010 Ford Shelby GT500. First attempt at scratch building hinged doors (the kit came with fixed, non opening doors, had to carefully cut the inner and outer door panels from the body shell and interior tub, then craft some hinges from paper clips...).

Painted matt black and red, rather than the blue and white as per the instructions! :cool:





Not personally a fan of the plastic car kits (more aircraft for me!) but I like that. Looks like a nice finish. How long did it take and did you spray or brush paint?
I used to do a fair bit of modelling in my teens when I was a huge history buff but this fell by the wayside when I found new hobbies - as you do at that age. Whilst I still have many of those hobbies I did get given an MB 1/35 "Breda" T-1A model kit and I'd like to get back into the whole modelling thing.

Years ago, I found the Revell Contacta glue to be the best, especially the one with the long metal application 'nozzle'. Is this still the best one to go for?

What about paints? Think most of my old humbrols/airfix paints have probably dried out after a decade - should I replace with similar brands?

Finally, this weather that some of you chaps seem to have mastered - how does one go about it and what materials do you use for it?

My favourite's are:

Tamiya Extra thin cement
Tamiya acrylics.
Vallejo surface primer
Great to see this thread is still going. Thought I'd post a few pics of a trumpeter Harrier in 1/32 scale I'm currently struggling with. Its not a bad kit but theres bundles of errors as Trumpeter used the AB8-B as basis and as usual got it wrong. I've done a green one as most people do the grey version and I wanted summat a bit different. Decals were a prob in some areas as they're not matched to a green one, so I've done me best with what I've got to hand.

Not personally a fan of the plastic car kits (more aircraft for me!) but I like that. Looks like a nice finish. How long did it take and did you spray or brush paint?

Wingy things don't appeal to me, hence my building cars & bikes. (as well as a few science fiction things). But each to their own!

Anyway I opted for giving the car a matt black finish, as I had seen a Shelby gt500 on the internet with the same paint job.

For the exerior body shell, I used halfords rattle cans - grey primer, followed by matt black. I then masked the car so I could airbrush the red go faster stripes, as the supplied decals were white.

The interior was airbushed using tamiya and revell acrylics. A lot quicker using rattle cans for the body shell as it would have taken a lot of time to airbrush, plus would have used up a lot of paint.

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