
A little teaser of my first 2016 build.

Update One

Started the build with the rear bulkhead. First job was to remove the molded on brackets on the 2 exhausts. This also helped to clean up the seam lines from the molding process. Then finished off with

drilling out the exhausts for a more realistic look.


Then it was onto detailing the rest of the rear bulkhead with the rear exhausts brackets, details on the stowage bins and the jack.


The jack was detailed with PE and installed in the correct manner unlike the original Tamiya instructions, Eduard have been good in telling how it is installed.

Hi all,

any recomendations on paint and say 10 colors i would or should get for bandai star wars?

having zero paints makes life a little hard.
Hi all,

any recomendations on paint and say 10 colors i would or should get for bandai star wars?

having zero paints makes life a little hard.

I picked up a load of humbrol weathering powders & washes, plus some decal fix & matt clear coat last weekend, I still have loads of pots of acrylic from around 15 years ago when I was into building garage kits for my local sci fi store & most of the colours have not dried up which is a bonus.

Also get some fine detail & wide brushes too.

Got the Bandai Sandtrooper & Boba Fett sitting here ready to be started on in the near future :)

Check out Humbrols tutorials on YouTube I think you will be impressed how easy they are to use.

Cheers all
Can anyone recommend some really good lighting for modelling?

I'm really starting to struggle due to the position of my room light. I need something far better and directional.
was a little worried about the import dutys from ebay? So i ordered from amazon which hopefully will come duty paid?

I can see prices rising very soon as there a bargain for what they are imo

X wing resistance fighter
Y wing starfighter
Snow speeder
Advance tiefighter
Millenium falcon
Slave fighter
Boba fett
Tie Fighter
Darth Vader
Storm trooper
X wing star fighter
Scout trooper and speeder bike

All ordered :)

the at-st is available cheaper in the uk on ebay than japan fyi

You can get alots of the new star war bandia kits from Japan Cool

I've brought many of my pricey p-bandia kits from there so there pretty good!
You can get alots of the new star war bandia kits from Japan Cool

I've brought many of my pricey p-bandia kits from there so there pretty good!

They are overpriced TBH.

Even if you take into account their import duties etc, still too pricey.

£53.99 for the Bandai Falcon on their site and I got mine for £32 delivered to the UK.

£28.99 (and £2.70 for standard P+P) for the sand-trooper!!!!!!! i got mine for £11.
Fair enthough but ive been burnted far to many times spendint £20-30 quid on a model kit only to be burnt for £13.50 + VAT at least in extra charges.

Heck Im thinking about getting a 1/144 Barbatos + booster kit £53 quid from that place which will go to a UK shop or £45 or so from the bay and run a risk for a huge amount in charges.

Half the reasons why I've backed off buying stuff from as Im relay unlucky.
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