Akasa A-62 AMD x6 *Zosma* build

Lovely bottle of vino here been saving for a special occasion, can't seem to find it in shops any more. I'll celebrate with a glass upon your completion of Heaven 2.5 benchmark ;)
sorry to tell you ZZZAC, but i lost interest in this thread after reading you got your CPU....

not realy bothered, i had a lot of silly problems, i think the motherboard raid controller is like partially broken or something, (not working)
So is your PC officially working and done now?

(ie can you run IBT and furmark without issue and have you tried playing a recent game?)

play AOE3 wuth no problems
ran heaven 2.5 on max
prim 95'ed, temps all loking good.
I have just one question, im trying to achive a stable 3.7ghz, and i get freezez and bsod's no mater how much voltage i give it, could it just be a bad clocking chip?
Yea, that could be the limit of your chip. Pretty good considering. How are the temps?

What is the highest clockspeed you can get it stable?

was booting at 3.6ghz, but would occasionally freeze, i think the chip isnt great for clocking, but that's still 800mhz,
will try and get that stable tomorrow, temps on gpu are great, i may squeeze a bit more on gpu memory, but atm its idling at 34oC after 6 hours
as for cpu will prime test for temps in the morning, but it is currently idling at around 39oC and takes a fair bit to get it past 40oc, even when iw sa priming at 3.6 before the crash i got 44oc.
Im very dispassionted in myself about the zosma chip, all i had to do to hit 4ghz was change the multiplier and ration, unlocked, i wish i had taken you're advice on not getting the msi board.

And i need a new sound card as i think i blew it up (my audigy is not recognised in windows)
Assuming it works, the onboard sound on the 880G board should actually be pretty good, probably worth giving it a try with the most recent drivers before you put down money for a new card.

If you do want a new sound card then would you like it to be PCI or PCIE?

If PCI is OK then I would recommend the ASUS Xonar DG, it's a nice card and great value. Here is a review.

I would strongly suggest you buy this sound card new from retail.
You had no guarantees on the overclock you would get with the zosma. You need to understand that overclocks are never guaranteed, its luck of the draw.
Always have to have a laugh when I read about chips being poor clockers. "I only got another 800mhz..." LOL...
You had no guarantees on the overclock you would get with the zosma. You need to understand that overclocks are never guaranteed, its luck of the draw.
Always have to have a laugh when I read about chips being poor clockers. "I only got another 800mhz..." LOL...

Overclocking is a privilege earned, not a right given :)
You had no guarantees on the overclock you would get with the zosma. You need to understand that overclocks are never guaranteed, its luck of the draw.
Always have to have a laugh when I read about chips being poor clockers. "I only got another 800mhz..." LOL...

i know i know, but that was a battle for stability, so ive left it at 3.5ghz witch is 700mhz, but i guess in the same area a 700mhz over clock would take that 970 zosma to 4.2ghz, and i think it may of been able to do that as well

My rams set at just over 1600mhz, and my nb is @ 2.44ghz, and i think my voltage is really high somink edging 1.5v

as for the onboard audio myne doesnt give me any output atall with the latest drivers on any line, not even teh headphones, but the mixer says its outputting. i think its a bit stuffed, i mean the entire motherboard but its stable and after 10 minutes of prime 95 it hasnt hit above 50oC

Vcore= 1.476, but when i was trying 3.6ghz i had it up to 1.52 and it still wasnt stable :L
10 minutes? :p You do know that core temps for AMD chips mean nothing right? What are you using to check?

AI suite that came with the motherboard, but will doble check on speedfan, it dropped down to 47Oc after my heatsink heated to the same temp as the chip
okay, vcore is actually set to 1.5v on the bios, im not measuring core temp, my core temp is 40oC
The cpu temp is hanging just below 50oC

I guess i should leeve it a couple of hours to mae sure the temps dont start to rocket, i have only been running prime for 20 minutes

If i wacked up the voltage to something crazy do you think i could achive 3.6ghz as teh shutdown temp it 73oC o

dropped to 46oC :L heat is no issue here
DOuble eddit, 44oc, i think it may have been since i opened the door though :)
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still at 44 oc after a hour, it hasnt budged :)
i think its time to whack up the voltage and try for 3.6ghz fingers crossed
Okay, 3.55ghz is the best that seems stable (will have one more go at 3.6ghz)
But no matter how much voltage i throw at it it doesnt seem to llike 3.6ghz :/
anyway after anotehr little play i will see what i can achieve from the NB and ram :)
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