AKG K7XX - Massdrop

Would anyone be able to lend me a pair for review? can compare to the K712, 65th Annies, K501, Q's and other K's. I cancelled my order sadly. Would also put the review in my guide :) I will also ship out my HD600 for you to try.
Dunno about that man, can you imagine if Royal Mail/Courier lost my limited edition K7XX!! :p

I'll have to get comfortable with the sound and really put them against the Q701 modded first though.

It would also be cool to see what the HD650s are like.

That's a lot of money saved even though they will never be sold outside of Massdrop retail anyway :p
Quick update for those you who were able to secure one of the first 2000 units. These were shipped by the vendor and are currently on a ship waiting to dock at Newport Beach. Once the ship docks the group's order will need to undergo customs clearance. Based on the current news we are getting the dock is slightly backed up, but not nearly as much as it was a week or so prior to Black Friday.

We have already arranged a truck to pick up the order once it clears customs and will rush to get it into our warehouse ASAP. Our warehouse team is standing by ready to receive the orders and get them turned around very quickly once they arrive.

We will continue to coordinate the drop and update you all throughout the process. Thanks for participating and we can't wait to get these out to you all!

Expect an update from us on 12/10 or sooner if something comes up.
Hey Everyone,

Please read this carefully.

The K7XX drop concluded nine days ago and our first 2000 units were loaded on a ship bound for the United States. The ship experienced difficulties after two days at sea, forcing it to make port at a nearby dry-dock. From there we worked with AKG to have the K7XX container marked “high priority” with the freight company. After a couple days the K7XXs were transferred to another US bound ship.

Two days ago, that ship docked at the port of Long Beach. Unfortunately, the dock workers in Long Beach and other west coast ports have been working slowly in response to unfavorable contract negotiations. Luckily the K7XX container is off the ship and on it’s way through processing.

If everything goes smoothly the K7XXs should make it to our fulfillment center by the 15th. Despite circumstances beyond our control, it looks like your headphones will all ship by the original expected ship date of December 17th.

Thank you for your patience and supporting this drop, the largest in this community's history!
First batch delivery emails have been going out today for USA buyers it seems, not received anything yet my end. Maybe tonight...
Q701 you mean ;)

I think I will (could!) profit from the Q701 considering I paid £95 all in for them and they're nicely modded for the better too.
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Q701 you mean ;)

I think I will (could!) profit from the Q701 considering I paid £95 all in for them and they're nicely modded for the better too.

Not on the MM you cant! ;)

I got called out for trying to sell them for more than what I paid....... :rolleyes:
Heh ebay for sure I guess or Head-Fi/AVF.

Anyways, one guy who got his in the USA has slapped it right on eBay at a ridiculous mark-up price. Sealed box... That guy has cost someone a legit slot! :mad:
Heh ebay for sure I guess or Head-Fi/AVF.

Anyways, one guy who got his in the USA has slapped it right on eBay at a ridiculous mark-up price. Sealed box... That guy has cost someone a legit slot! :mad:

they locked it to US only so that was always going to happen :(
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