I don't see anything wrong in what he has said, he's just said it in the wrong way in my opinion, but what would have been the correct way to say something like that with causing controversey?
He has only said what everyone else is thinking anyway, do they hold a day of mourning for Heysel? Do Bradford? Do Manchester United? Does anyone else that has had disasters happen within their clubs?
He has just gone about it in the wrong way but he is only speaking what people have thought for a while, it seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the year (I don't ever remember it being as big as it has been the last few years) and whilst I think it needs to be remembered, we shouldn't let it dictate the games now.
The death threats are pathetic, I suppose they can add it to their list of people they hate, The Sun, Boris Johnson and now Alan Davies!
I wonder if we'll see Rafa and his tears this year.