Alan Wake 2

It’s my living room TV, I didn’t need to buy it because of the PS5??? You’re adding the cost of a TV to the PS5 and comparing it against a PC? And how is comparing a whole console against just a GPU relevant? You can game on a console but not a GPU…

I genuinely tried to search on YouTube to back up your claims about FPS and can only find videos that counter your claims. First result of many:

The latest gen consoles are a big step up over the last gen. It’s a fact. If you’re expecting them to compete with a high end 4090 system then you’ve missed the point. Consoles are for the masses and the price point has to be low enough to support that.

Anyway this is off topic. I hardly use my PS5 now but my PC cost significantly more. I agree games are stupidly expensive and that’s how they make their money, not on the hardware. That’s nothing to do with your claim that the hardware is trash…
There was a video when the special edition with the DLC first came out on the PS5 where the TLDR of the entire video was that the only way to get 50-60fps was with the ps4 version in backward compatibility mode and that the native ps5 version was around 30fps but dipped hard in battle and they went on a rant to bang on about the stutters that this causes certain tv's that aren't capable of certain fps/hz 1:1 refresh rates - I forget what this feature is called? I've honestly no idea as I watched the video once and it was years ago and my tv didn't support the mode in question so was irrelevant to me anyway so I never kept it in my mind.

It's something along the lines of a hz/fps range that can double in blocks of X HZ/FPS? so can 1:1 sync with the hardware if both display/hardware support it? So if the game cant maintain that fps it causes stutters? but obviously not all tv's support this?
The same issue happened with Elden Ring due to both games not hitting the common fps ranges. Either way whatever that issue was, it was a thing on a number of games.

Wether this has been now patched with GOT or Elden Ring, I don't know as I don't own the console, but there was a hell of a thorough analysis of this when GOT came out, and as I say the TLDR was that you were better off buying the ps4 version and playing it at 1080p 60fps... Which isn't very 'impressive' nor 'next gen' when you goto buy the PS5 version is it, if it's been patched/fixed now, fair enough, but I certainly didn't make this up as I literally had waited to get GOT on the bias it could be a game justifiable to warrant upgrading to a PS5 amongst a few other games, so I'd held on to see how good it'd look/play on the PS5 version after seeing how crippled the ps4 non pro can get in big battles with multiple hoards of enemies... Then I watched that review/analysis and yeah was very gutted to say the least.
While I'm not entirely impressed with this gen, I have no idea what you're talking about and neither have you, I suppose.

I have quite a few negative things to say about GoT but the performance is EXTREMELY solid.
Drops below 30fps? Lol... The native PS5 version on quality hardly ever drops below 60fps, if even.
It's one of the best running games on the console, I'm very sensitive to framerate dips and have a hard time remembering ever feeling a significant dip even in big battles in my 30-something hours of playtime, let alone anything even remotely close to 30fps...

The FPS counter on my TV doesn't lie either and multiple sources confirm the performance of the PS5 version is pretty much rock-solid.
Both the framerate and resolution modes run at 60fps confirmed, no need to even choose.
As above, I've no reason to make this up considering I own multiple generations of consoles and wanted to buy the PS5 and GOT, it's all well and good it being patched now but it certainly wasn't what you're making it out to be on release, the fact they recommended playing the ps4 version at 1080p to get the 60fps says it all. And as a potential buyer who was wanting to upgrade this understandably was a major red flag/let down!
Regardless of this, if you have to choose between fps and graphics/RT, then it's not very 'next gen' is it, and hardly impressive, look at my 25-30fps with RT on, yeah mind blowing m9. I think not. And given that they were £650 and £550 for the disc/non disc version on release with sweet FA in terms of new games, again not worth buying is it when you've completed all those games on the previous gen, a lot of which are years old! The fact even today there's barely any games that aren't previous gen available or cross platform says it all, the exclusives used to be vast on every generation.

So it's no surprise why if I was considering either a new gpu or a console for that £650-550 price point, I'd obviously buy a gpu or 2nd hand gpu that was high tier when new... Cant loose.

Either way guys, I wasn't trying to troll or argue, I was just genuinely gutted watching that and it was a game I'd held out for a long time for and thought hmm that'll take awhile to complete it might be worth actually getting a PS5 now, having rinsed my ps4 collection so many times, so I was understandably very disappointed watching that very anal analysis on it showing the lack of performance, along with in general how weak the hardware turned out to be vs what they claimed before release, pair that was no new games that I couldn't get on the previous gen I already own, then years later still what 5-7 games I couldn't get on other platforms... Not worth it imho.

Anyways if they fixed it fair enough, but I still don't see this generation as 'next gen' compared to previous leaps.
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Either way guys, I wasn't trying to troll or argue, I was just genuinely gutted watching that and it was a game I'd held out for a long time for and thought hmm that'll take awhile to complete it might be worth actually getting a PS5 now, having rinsed my ps4 collection so many times, so I was understandably very disappointed watching that very anal analysis on it showing the lack of performance, along with in general how weak the hardware turned out to be vs what they claimed before release, pair that was no new games that I couldn't get on the previous gen I already own, then years later still what 5-7 games I couldn't get on other platforms... Not worth it imho.

Anyways if they fixed it fair enough, but I still don't see this generation as 'next gen' compared to previous leaps.

It's called VRR.

I'm not arguing either, just saying how it is now. The performance is practically perfect on quality mode PS5 version. It stays at 60fps regardless of the mode actually. I have no idea how it was on release, I bought my PS5 a year ago and it was already running perfectly then.
I have no reason to make this up either because I think GoT is a 7/10 game at most for a plethora of reasons:P You might've mistaken this with Elden Ring which still runs preposterously bad on the PS5 and the only solution is to play the PS4 (Pro) version.

I actually share the sentiment that these consoles aren't amazing, just pretty decent for the price. They're more impressive than they'd normally be because a couple of talented devs know how to squeeze the most out of them, like Insomniac for example.

They can only do basic RT, i didn't think for a second they'd be able to do anything more than that being based on RDNA. 40fps with VRR is a godsend when a game supports it.

Still, I'm keeping the PS5 for now, for those few games I want to play like GT7, Demons's Souls, the upcoming FFVII Rebirth etc. that run and look decently so that I can sit comfortably in my sofa and experience them on a bigger OLED.

Having just got a 4070 and a new monitor, both for a decent price as a stopgap, I'm planning to go back to PC because I know my rig with what should be named a 4060Ti will still run circles around consoles when it comes to multiplats and once I grab an OLED monitor I'll probably abandon them for good. No free basic online in 2023 is a disgrace. I only use the PS5 for exclusives and the fact that Oled makes a bigger difference than RT on a worse screen and I can't currently be bothered to move my PC between rooms or do the wiring.

Anyways, not to derail things any further, AW2 looks promising from the trailers, I'll probably give it a spin. On PC, most likely:P
It's called VRR.

I'm not arguing either, just saying how it is now. The performance is practically perfect on quality mode PS5 version. It stays at 60fps regardless of the mode actually. I have no idea how it was on release, I bought my PS5 a year ago and it was already running perfectly then.
I have no reason to make this up either because I think GoT is a 7/10 game at most for a plethora of reasons:p You might've mistaken this with Elden Ring which still runs preposterously bad on the PS5 and the only solution is to play the PS4 (Pro) version.

I actually share the sentiment that these consoles aren't amazing, just pretty decent for the price. They're more impressive than they'd normally be because a couple of talented devs know how to squeeze the most out of them, like Insomniac for example.

They can only do basic RT, i didn't think for a second they'd be able to do anything more than that being based on RDNA. 40fps with VRR is a godsend when a game supports it.

Still, I'm keeping the PS5 for now, for those few games I want to play like GT7, Demons's Souls, the upcoming FFVII Rebirth etc. that run and look decently so that I can sit comfortably in my sofa and experience them on a bigger OLED.

Having just got a 4070 and a new monitor, both for a decent price as a stopgap, I'm planning to go back to PC because I know my rig with what should be named a 4060Ti will still run circles around consoles when it comes to multiplats and once I grab an OLED monitor I'll probably abandon them for good. No free basic online in 2023 is a disgrace. I only use the PS5 for exclusives and the fact that Oled makes a bigger difference than RT on a worse screen and I can't currently be bothered to move my PC between rooms or do the wiring.

Anyways, not to derail things any further, AW2 looks promising from the trailers, I'll probably give it a spin. On PC, most likely:p
Yeah that's the one, I think I did actually say that earlier, but forgot that's what it's called on the TV side as well :) So cheers for clarifying it.

Yeah I know you're not mate, just didn't want you to think I was making it up/trolling :) No joke though, watching that all the way through then hearing TLDR play the last gen version on your £650 new console that's very hard to even source right now, was gutting!

It was def both games mate, I saw the Elden Ring video later and laughed my ass off as I had no interest in that game anyway but still found it hilarious given the 'next gen' marketing and over hyped bs over this generation.

It was one of those things this generation where I tried so hard to justify getting one, when usually I'd get both/all 3 consoles out every generation, but this whole we just cba we'll release a patch for last gen version, really annoys me. Love a remake/remastered edition, but souly just doing mild remasters/patch updates with 0 exclusives, is majorly letting loyal previous owners down.

Love Insomniac, also love Naughty Dog, I mean the fact the people who brought us Crash brought us TLOU and UC... Just insane! Talk about a 'you never saw that coming' moment eh!

Ah 40 FPS that was what I was thinking of before when I mentioned TV's having a stroke with the VRR in those videos, such an odd number for FPS, I get why but still haha!

Yeah you may as well keep it, I played RESI4 remake at my mates on his PS5, was nice, I get it, but I'd done it on my PS4... And I'd just got it on my PC just because I wanted 'that big' of a jump when I eventually replay it...

Oi you shush about the 4070 naming haha, just enjoy it for what it is like I am mine ;) make sure you undervolt it, they're ridiculous, mine is average 115-135w or 145 max with RT on maxed on at 1440p max settings with DLSS3.5/FG/Reflex in CP PL, or native 1440p maxed with RT on in Control (bar one section where it has a stroke but that's a game issue iirc as every card has a heart attack for a brief second there haha!)

Oh they overclock ridic high too, my asus out the box is nearly 350mhz higher when on boost than the ref Nvidia card, mental right, and if I bother to overclock it (which I've tried before undervolting) I can get 3-3.1GHZ and 5-600mhz on the memory, or undervolted and capped to around 80mhz higher than a ref card's boost clocks I got a 1ghz memory overclock!

Yeah AW2 looks good, did you see my video of it I posted awhile back? If not... Our card's going to shine on this one!

Ahoy matey, I hear ya be needing a game to justify that 4090.
I'm so lost haha! What has AW and Nvidia got to do with pirates? Did I miss a meme?

EDIT: Thanks to an unsung hero I now understand! I legit lmao thought there was some reference to Nvidia being pirates for stealing your money or that Alan Wake low key was into swashbuckling. I'll get my coat!
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