Yeah but he’s still desperate to deflect for whatever reason..
Alec Baldwin is a mainline actor/celeb - he will have people to hold his bog roll for him and do the necessary - let alone check his prop guns on set.
These people dont live in the real world - until something like this happens.
A propmasters take on this from the court documents.
So the 1st AD has royally ****** up and the police need to find out why there was a gun with a live round on that table. At least that is an opinion from court docs and not just some gossip based on we don't know what.
Deflect what? I've not stated anything in this thread. You and others are the ones desperate to form an opinion of who is to blame and convict people from what is essentially gossip at this point. Throw in some anti-woke agenda rubbish as well.
So the 1st AD has royally ****** up and the police need to find out why there was a gun with a live round on that table.
That is possible as the person killed was one of the big people complaining about conditions. Some people think it was sabotage to do with when the union workers left and got repalced with none union workers. But its far more likely some crew went shooting in the desert with live rounds and someone left a live round by mistake. I would suspect a crew "borrowed" the gun, returned it and the armorer hadn't checked the gun over and then the AD guy picked up the gun without checking with the armorer over sabotage.This is starting to scream out deliberate sabotage if live rounds weren't meant to be on set and there was oppurtunity for someone to load them into guns without anyone noticing.
This is starting to scream out deliberate sabotage if live rounds weren't meant to be on set and there was oppurtunity for someone to load them into guns without anyone noticing.
So has it been stated that "live" meant a cartridge with a projectile and not a "live" blank as the term is used on film sets.
She could well be and she could well have made a major mistake. But we should wait for all the facts before automatically assuming she is at fault. There are any number of possibilities where she didn't do anything wrong. Like she could have secure the weapons and Dave Halls bypassed that. Or she was one of the group that left that site under protest due to unsafe conditions and Dave Halls decided to go ahead without her. There is so much missing and conflicting information we need more hardcore facts before judging her as guilty.
The people on set seems to be blaming Dave Halls not Hannah. AD below refers to Dave Halls.
"AD yelled at me at lunch talking about revisions,” she said. “These motherf**kers … did you see him come up to my desk and yell at me? He’s supposed to check the guns. He’s responsible for what happened.”"
Yeah hadn’t heard of that, that’s pretty bad in itself.Possibly, though don't attribute malice to that which can otherwise be explained by etc.. perhaps applies given the other issues.
Granted that does leave open the possibility of a very disgruntled crew member etc..
I'd still overwhelmingly go with accident/negligence on the part of the three people directly involved given the reports that they were firing these guns off set/presumably mucking about plinking targets in the desert or something + the account of how it happened so far.
Where's the term live blank used? Never heard that before!So has it been stated that "live" meant a cartridge with a projectile and not a "live" blank as the term is used on film sets.
It has been said repeatedly that blanks are called "live" on film sets presumably to differentiate them from dummy rounds and presumably because fully functional rounds aren't supposed to be there at all.
42 posts in this thread and you're claiming ignorance, what are you even doing in here then.
Its been said by whom?
I see you're a fount of ignorance today.
I'd rather go and check social media and see if they've scrounged up any articles which clarify the matter.
Top posters in an ongoing matter thread on ocuk![]()
That's twice now i've asked and you've not provided a source...provide one (that's 3 times).