I don't care that he's right wing.
I care that he makes up lies, to fool morons in to attacking victims and family members of school shootings.
Then makes money off the back of it.
There are people who are far worse than Alex Jones, who get away with far worse, more dangerous things every single day.
The world is literally rammed with people who are exploiting others, telling lies to make money, saying nasty things to make money, it's the price you pay for having human beings with free will with some degree of freedom of speech - bad things are going to happen, it's life.
Am I defending Alex Jones? no - I think he's an absolute piece of garbage, what he said about Sandy hook was inconceivable. But do I think he should be shut down and blocked from all platforms? I'm not 100% sure.
Not because I'm some sort of foaming right winger, but because I think I can see a situation further down the line, where it becomes a standard practise to silence the 'unsavoury' but legal views and opinions of people with questionable outlooks. I think I'd rather have the ability to decide for myself whether I wish to silence them or not, by simply watching them - or not watching them.
Also, by attempting to block or shut him down - you also run the risk of making him more popular, look at the amount of publicity he's managed to gain from it, a number of people in this thread have said "no idea who is he" well now they know, whereas - if he'd just have been left alone to rant to his followers - most of whom are stuck in echo chambers, that might have been a safer option.