Alien: Isolation...

Correct, I found this out yesterday. To gain an extra slot to store an item, allocate one of the items to a craft slot but don't actaully build the object. For example the Noise Maker requires 3 items to build, add all 3 items to build the object but don't actually build it. You now gain 1 slot in each item.

Difficult to explain or maybe it's just my writing lol

Or hit build, you get a noisemaker and you can store more items in the slots. Nothing to gain by not building the item as once committed, you can't remove items from a slot.

Once you can build an object, do it, then store remaining items in the craft slot again.
Just so you know.....the save feature does not save the AI of the Alien and/or its position.......if you saved and it is right on your tail, you can reload the game and the Alien starts over again and it wont be right behind you.

But it does save the androids so be careful with that, if they were right there when you saved, they'll be there when you load.
Just aligned the dish to the torrens and...

was both terrified and excited to watch the alien running on the outside of the station then disappearing again
It's only because this was the first time in the game you get to see the real scale and size of the station. I was looking at everything then at the window on the left as you walk back in and that's when you see it scuttling over and disappearing.
Am I the only one totally uninterested in any survivor mode stuff?

Going against the clock seems completely "alien" (see what I did there) to the core concept of the game.
Just of the year...nay possibly decade :D

I've never been simultaneously so happy and disappointed to finish a game.

Nerves are shot...going to play sims ;)

I was so "in the zone" during the last few missions I realised I was creeping past save points without using them as my focus was entirely on the alien.
Nah, you've got nothing to worry about mate. Keep striding about confidently with the shotgun, taking out androids with wreckless abandon. It's just another FPS once the alien is gone.

(titter titter) :D

I did get brave after the Alien went, explored every inch of the station...then things changed :(
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Thinking about sequel possibilities.

What I think could be good is if they tackled the story of what happened on LV-426, Hadley's Hope colony.

From the film Aliens they describe the evidence of the last stand and the hell of a fight that must have taken place.

Wouldn't that make an excellent game?

Nail...hit...head, it's the next logical step for this.
No the Alien and the Androids do not attack each other, the story will explain why that is the case

Which part of the story is that, i've completed it and don't remember any explanation.

I do know the reason from stuff outside of the game (books/comics) but curious to the games explanation.

This game has ruined me, I can't be arsed with anything else now, i've tried playing 6 separate games today and got bored with them all :(
No reason the Alien doesn't attack them, other than it perhaps senses they aren't human and of no use as hosts.

The Working Joe's are commanded centrally by Apollo. Weyland Yutani bought Sevastapol station when they found out about the Alien outbreak. They sent a command signal to Apollo which reprogrammed it to protect the Aliens at all cost. So the Working Joe's don't harm the alien(s) and they take out humans that could be a threat to them

Outside of the game it's exactly as you said in the first paragraph.

However regardless of the Androids mandate, there is no in-game explanation of why the Alien does not attack them. I even watched it get stuck behind one in a corner. It's a shame the Alien doesn't interact with them at all :(
Don't get me wrong I think the game is well made and really suits the Aliens franchise.. I'm just not a fan of hide and seek games that happens again and again. The Medical Bay for example, much rage

Medical is pretty much the only level out of all 18/19 where I had to hide a lot, the rest of the time it was using what i'd made as distractions and careful movement.
Agreed the game evolves so does the way you need to play it. I must admit when I was in medical I was thinking if the rest of the game is like this I will probably give up, lol

The trouble with medical is up to that point, the game is pretty much dead easy, even on hard setting.

It's the first time you really get stalked so closely and I know of a lot of people who have given up on the game completely at this point.
Alien 1 - pant pooing scary, Aliens - lots of guns and action, Alien 3 - a mixture of action and scares but the worst out the 3 mainly due to the bad use of cgi which wasnt used in the first 2.

There is only one piece of CGI in Alien 3 and that's at the end when the Alien is killed. The rest is all puppets but it's not superimposed well.

Alien 3 is another film that benefits massively from the workprint edition. Weaver wouldn't let Fincher make the movie he wanted and essentially ruined it.
Started watching the first one last night (fell asleep half way through like i tend to do with all movies lol) but was getting quite into it! Had to laugh at some of the CGI etc, but that is to be expected with a film that is a little bit older than me!

There's CGI in Alien? Or do you mean things like the computer terminals?

AFAIK, Alien is all model/puppet/practical effects, can't think of anything that could be seen as CGI and I must have watched that film over 20 times during my lifetime.
Never getting a sequel :(

While the film franchise continues to lay dormant in the wake of Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant, the Alien brand at large is being expanded in some interesting new ways in 2019. As we’ve recently learned, a comic called Aliens: Resistance will serve as a sequel to video game Alien: Isolation, and Amanda Ripley’s story will also continue with mobile game Alien: Blackout. There are other Amanda Ripley projects that are reportedly going to soon be announced in celebration of the original classic’s 40th anniversary this year, with many believing some sort of TV/web series is coming. But it seems a movie isn’t on that slate. 20th Century Fox’s FoxNext has just told Variety that the current Amanda Ripley initiative is *not* tied to anything on the feature film front. So don’t get your hopes up there. FoxNext also told the site that “Alien Isolation 2” is not in the works. One Alien project that is definitely in the works, however, is a brand new “massively multiplayer online shooter for consoles and PC,” now being developed by Cold Iron Studios.
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