It does look messy, but I still believe the plan and structure is firmly in place, it has been for a few years and that the ideas are excellent. The board and the technical development know their objectives and have been working steadily for those.looking from the outside it appears as if Chelsea don't have a proper structure in place. It appears to be a bit of a compromise between what the manager wants, what RA wants and the guys running Chelsea's "development plan"
The signing of Torres derailed the emerging new image of the club in a dramatic way, and that's the cause of the mess that we perceive from the outside. It's possible that Man City clouded RA's judgement as well, I think the pursuit of Modric for £30M+ was another example of the silly spending driven by the owner and again that has really sabotaged the sense of a club in transition with a clear plan.
Prior to the Torres signing Chelsea were making a good transition from paying stupid transfer fees and the signings were becoming much more strategic and intelligent. It looked like financial stability would be eventually be achieved. Those good strategic signings have continued. If you can ignore Torres and the Modric saga then you can see a pattern of good squad planning and sound financial planning.
The structure is still there, you just can't see sometimes because of the distractions created by RA. If the development plan was as it is, only supplemented by 1-2 players requested by the manager then the situation might be close to ideal and no one would be worrying about a lack of structure.
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