* Alton Towers - May 18th/19th 2006 *

Well there's nothing wrong with it if the "are" from Overclockers, if not I could feel a bit silly ;)

Cool stuff, drop me a mail and I'll reply straight away!


You've got a mail. :D

OMGWTFBBQ. I've actually started packing. I normally do that at about 2AM when I realise I've been sat in front of the forum for far too long. :D

Keyboard has been unpacked and inspected (had to remind myself why I didn't like it - rattles).
I'm mostly packed, just need to throw the wash bag in tomorrow and try to remember some other things.

Nearly meet time \o/
Just started packing too, and eagerly waiting for the tumble-drier to finish. Mmm, toasty warm.

Oh hell, swimming shorts! Um, back in a bit. :o
Belmit said:
Just started packing too, and eagerly waiting for the tumble-drier to finish. Mmm, toasty warm.

Oh hell, swimming shorts! Um, back in a bit. :o
Oh yes, washing machine on here too. Already checked the shorts though (and they do still fit). :)
Oh, just by way of advance warning. I hope those in the same SL room as me are not of a nervous disposition. I've taken to letting off thunderous sneezes without any warning. :o
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