Am i in the wrong?

G|mp said:
Just for that conversation i would have told you to put your coat back on
and get down the job centre

No matter how much of an arse hes being he is still your boss and IME you
dont speak to bosses like that if you want to get anywhere

Ok fair enough, he's late and the boss is upset. You're supposed to be on site before nine not after, with a good 10 minutes to muck about with the coat and preperation of getting ready to work.

If I was your boss I would be giving you a final written notice as what you have done is "gross misconduct"
Phate said:
What do you suggest i do? and i am currently looking for another job.

Answered your own question.

I had my boss complain about my team arrving at 8am on the dot. Told him what i think but the powers-that-be won't have it so now we all have to arrive at 7:55am.

Don't do any work and if anybody asks and the clock says it is before 8 they get told a firm no.

Power freaks. Get right on my ****
this thread = very heated.

I see a lot of views that I agree with, most notably working hours.

I employ several people and I have always specified a 0900 start/1700 finish. This does not mean 0900 arrive/1700 leave.

I had one guy who would enter work at 0900 on the dot and get ready for work, he would eventually start working at about 0930 - half an hour later than he is contracted to work for.

That is being late. It doesn't matter what time he arrives, the contract specified a 0900 start, he didn't start at 0900 and was therefore late.

I had to let him go. Unreliable staff begets unreliable work.
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

part from that and the earlier incident its been ok ill have to read the whole thread wen i get home at 5:45
Its funny how you can't be a minute late in, but theres no problem to ask people to stay 10-30 minutes outside of hours (or longer) to finish work or have meeting. We used to have a manager who always scheduled meetings about 30mins before quitting time, which inevitably ran overtime. Or come around looking to go through the days business as you were packing up to leave. Can back to bite them as people wouldn't raise issues, because they didn't want to be delayed. This causes some "issues" eventually.

Personally I'll be flexible if someone else is flexible. Depends on the circumstances of what you are doing. You need to be on time if you are covering a desk or providing a service during business hours. But if you are working on a project, I prefer to see results than determine productivity purely by looking a the clock. Particularly creative industries, or solution solving. Some people can work more productively if they are not clock watching. They tend to work better keeping irregular hours.

Some people will abuse any flexibility.
Phate said:
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

Sounds like a joke tbh. Why are you still there?
Balddog said:
Fine...Then dont complain about getting chewed out if you dont start working the SECOND you get through the door..No going to the cloakroom to take off your coat and get sorted..You start the second you get in...

a) I'm not complaining

b) It's only retail anyway
Phate said:
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

part from that and the earlier incident its been ok ill have to read the whole thread wen i get home at 5:45

you having a laugh, how else you meant to open a laptop without breaking the seal lol, I always thought the shop manager was alright when I worked with you but then he wasn't the manager when I was there
Phate said:
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

part from that and the earlier incident its been ok ill have to read the whole thread wen i get home at 5:45

Phog said:
I've still yet to figure out why you are still there!

well tbh i wasnt meant to be there for as long as i was

long story short i got involved with the girl that works next door, so stayed there much longer as this was meant to be a temp job, now before he got promoted he was alright as sirrel said (he worked there for a few weeks) but ever since hes been on my case and its ridiculous

well i no what im going to do wen we've got nothing but laptops in....sit there and do jack, immature? yes! but it'll soon prove my point how stupid a decision it was. Plus i can dismantle a laptop faster than either of those 2 and repair more than they ever have, (i just seem to have a knack with them) they both faff around and often take one look and decide they cant do it.
Phate said:
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

part from that and the earlier incident its been ok ill have to read the whole thread wen i get home at 5:45
Your boss = a royal **** (rhymes with 'punt').

My advice: leave. You don't need to put up with that rubbish from him - explain to him the situation.

From the sounds of it, it sounds like you are one of the better workers there. He'd be ******* stupid to push you out of the job by acting like a 'punt'.

If the seal was already broken and screws missing - was it one of the other workers? Could it have been the laptop's owner (customer etc)?! It sounds like your boss in on a powertrip.

Are you still involved with the girl 'next door' and is she fit?
Cueball said:
If the seal was already broken and screws missing - was it one of the other workers? Could it have been the laptop's owner (customer etc)?! It sounds like your boss in on a powertrip.

Are you still involved with the girl 'next door' and is she fit?

more than likely the customer as there were screws missing from it.

no im not

and yes she is.....very

ask sirrel squirrel if you dont believe me...hes met her
Working for a company should be like having a relationship with a friend or girlfriend. It should be give and take (from both sides! Not just take from the employer and give from the employee). Both sides should respect the other, if i've done unpaid overtime for 1/2 hour this should be reconised and it's a nice gesture if your let off early one Friday. Working in this way although open to abuse by employees actually makes for a very productive environment.

Sounds to me like your boss is being an ass, if your quality of work is good and you work to get things done then he's just a bad boss.
Cueball said:
I employ several people and I have always specified a 0900 start/1700 finish. This does not mean 0900 arrive/1700 leave.

Pedant++ :p

I tend to focus on work done rather than contracted hours. If they arrive @ 9am and get all the work done then OK. If they arrive consistantly later than their start time then they will be in trouble.

I do see your point as well.

However we agree that Phate's boss is a Cunning Stunt and Phate should get the hell out of their! :D
Sirrel Squirrel said:
:D indeed she is, does she still work next door btw?

aye they got another girl in now this one is a blonde

everytime i see them togethor i just think.....hmmmm....threesome ;)
My boss used to be a bit like that, although he only usually went mental when i had the barefaced audacity to be starting 4 hours early, he soon got the message though as whenever he did it i turned round got changed and buggered off for 4 hours until my shift started.

He does sound like a complete arse i must say, fair enough he did have a right to have a word about you being late, but he doesn't have to be a **** about it, and to be honest what does he expect, treat people like crap and they will reply in kind, treat people well and they will do the same in return, kinda basic human nature really.
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