Amanda Knoxx retrial

Thing is, sometimes it takes an emotional jury to get the right answer that a justice system that needs 100% probability will never do. The bare faced lies she told and her attempt to implicate others show that she is hiding something, and something significant at that.
US won't ship her to Italy. This re-trial being an 'extension' of the appeal is quite ludicrous. It pretty much breaks her double-jeopardy rights as an American. Would be a PR nightmare for the DOJ.

USA won't extradite, she was acquitted.

"Extradition shall not be granted when the person sought has been convicted, acquitted or pardoned, or has served the sentence imposed, by the Requested Party for the same acts for which extradition is requested. "
The bare faced lies she told and her attempt to implicate others show that she is hiding something, and something significant at that.

I'm not sure any of us know how we'd react and what we'd say when faced with an enormous jail sentence in a foreign country which isn't particularly interested in her side of the story, if she hadn't done it. I don't think the fact she lied really says much.
Thing is, sometimes it takes an emotional jury to get the right answer that a justice system that needs 100% probability will never do. The bare faced lies she told and her attempt to implicate others show that she is hiding something, and something significant at that.

But no DNA evidence at all? Not even a drop of flood on any of her clothes? And even the supposed murder weapon was spotless!?
If someone asked me where I was ten years ago between 9pm and 1am on a specific date you know what, I'd probably struggle to answer with 100% clarity.

If someone asked you where you were last night I'm expecting you to answer with extreme clarity. If you tell me you were at someone's house, and they back up your statement.

Then you say you were working at a bar, and your alibi now says he can't account for your where about.

And then you say it was your employer the bar owner where you said you weren't who is guilty of the murder. Seems too far fetched to be normal.

Knox said she barely knew Guede; she pleaded not guilty to all charges, and remained in prison throughout the legal process. Knox and Sollecito's trial began on 16 January 2009 before Judge Giancarlo Massei, Deputy Judge Beatrice Cristiani, and six lay judges at the Corte d'Assise of Perugia.[116] Knox and Sollecito were accused of having gone to the house on the night of 1 November with Guede, and of having murdered Kercher in her bedroom. According to the prosecution's reconstruction, Knox had attacked Kercher, repeatedly banged her head against a wall, forcefully held her face, tried to remove her clothes, cut her with a knife, inflicted the fatal stab wound, and then took her two mobile phones and faked a burglary.[117] Guede's shoe prints, fingerprints, and DNA were found in the bedroom, his DNA was found on Kercher and her clothing, and his skin cells were inside her body. Guede's DNA mixed with Kercher's was in bloodstains on the inside of her shoulder bag.[118] No shoe prints, clothing fibers, hairs, fingerprints, skin cells or DNA of Knox were found on Kercher or in the room.[119][120] The prosecution alleged that all forensic traces in the bedroom which incriminated Knox had been wiped away by her and Sollecito

AFter this, Knox, having beaten, stabbed, smashed her head against a wall, tried to cut her clothes off......... she cleaned her's and her boyfriends DNA off everything associated with the murder, her room, the body, the clothes.... but incredibly cleverly left Remy's DNA all over the body. The perfect crime, where the naked eye can determine which finger prints to remove and which dead skin and hair to move but leave the rest in tact.

Yes, the prosecutions fictional series of events includes her having 70000/20 vision and the skill to remove only the DNA that incriminated herself......

the rest of their case is as ridiculous. Considering the entirety of the case, the complete unprofessional nature of every part of the case, the complete stupidity of the arguments, and don't forget that the original trial started with the bar owner as the murdered, and at a later date they merely replaced him with Guede and released the bar owner. So no evidence he did anything but they at first were holding and charging him, then based purely off the ONLY DNA evidence worth a damn, they got the right guy, who also confessed to the murder later, then said he had help(realising he could get a shorter sentence if it wasn't his idea), then told people he made that up(from what I can remember).

Anyway, based off the insane incompetence the lack of professionalism, the obvious lies, who should we believe over the interrogation. Knox or the completely competent police force who have lied and made up rubbish over and over again?

A girl, with her friend murdered, being interrogated, somewhat denied a lawyer, exhausted, being hit, having text messages from the bar owner shown to her(which said nothing of note) with them asking who killed her......... lets just say, a lot of people would(if innocent or guilty) try and find another suspect for the police so they left you alone, particularly as they were seemingly demanding she tell them who did it. Remember all the discussions on torture in regards to Gitmo/wars/terrorism and the generally widely held theory that it's useless because if you continue to put pressure on people, they merely tell you want THEY THINK YOU WANT TO HEAR, not the truth........ They interrogated a girl who was terrified, kept asking about the bar owner and kept showing her text messages, it's normal for someone to tell their interrogator what they want to hear, and by both sides events of the interrogation, it was fairly clear the line of questioning they were going at her with and who they were asking her about, so is it any surprise she started to tell them what they wanted to hear?

Ultimately the case is a joke, she may have done it, but nothing in evidence suggests she did. The police's idea of how it happened is clearly insane. if EVERYTHING was wiped down and there was no DNA I could understand the possibility, but they think she removed her/her boyfriends DNA and left Guede's everywhere? Because there was their DNA on common objects in the house..... they are guilty, because there is an absence of her DNA on the murder body(which she supposedly killed and beat) she cleaned it... but left the confessed killers DNA all over it?

If she did it or not, who knows, NO one should be found guilty based off the evidence and investigation the police provided. Beyond all reasonable doubt(I honestly don't know if the Italian system works to that principle) she can't ever be found guilty and no reasonable court would find her guilty(even if she did it). The evidence is tainted, the investigation ridiculous and highly suspicious, the interrogation is highly suspicious, the confessed killers own words are being ignored somewhat, the prosecutions story is insanely stupid.

It's not even about if she did it, as said, it's about a trial in which she couldn't be found guilty regardless of what actually happened.

They won't extradite, the Italian system/police/court was made to look utterly stupid on a worldwide stage, and this is their way of saying "we were right, we aren't that retarded" with a dodgy verdict in another ludicrous trial.

They won't ask for extradition because they want to save face, which they have done, not expose themselves to looking even more stupid.
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USA won't extradite, she was acquitted.

"Extradition shall not be granted when the person sought has been convicted, acquitted or pardoned, or has served the sentence imposed, by the Requested Party for the same acts for which extradition is requested. "
This provision would be relevant only if the US (the 'Requested Party') had prosecuted Knoxx. There isn't an explicit bar to extradition in these circumstances, but I think it's very unlikely that the Italians will put in a request.

not a bad link for information. A huge part of it is blood, there was blood everywhere in the room, the police insist she was involved, helped hold her down and actually stabbed her, without a single spec of physical evidence, but again with Guede's dna everywhere, making it literally impossible for the room to have been cleaned.... yet the police's entire case rests on her being there and cleaned up after herself.
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