But this kinda conversation you just had goes such a long way to helping ease a tense situation, I hope this feedback is heard/realised.
Im not a fan of OC at the moment, the optics are pretty scummy however listening to you talk about stuff openly? Should be encouraged and is welcomed and im sure while there will always be those that will just be a pain to be a pain, the majority who are reasonable who have been crying out for some sort of transparency welcome this kind of feedback from people like yourself in the know.
At this point I personally don't feel OC could do any more damage by being a bit more open like this, and yes I get on the inside of the OC bubble perhaps some of the frustration you see must seem quite mad or maddening at times? However inside the bubble the optics will look clear and understandable, we aren't inside the bubble though is the point and many myself included will not use OC unless its an absolute last resort.
Hope that's taken in the good spirit its given.