As explained by ScottiB there is simply not the man power.
We have made it clear to every single customer who ordered an XT there order is getting cancelled/refunded, so there is no option to change, that has been actioned.
Those who ordered and wanted a 6800 none XT can very easily have ordered one earlier or can order one next week if they wish and all the people who ordered one yesterday, GOT ONE!
We simply do not have the man power and yes our website/systems have caused us issues but unfortunately changing our entire backend, webshop and then training all the departments on how to use it takes months to roll out if not a year plus and this has been underway since before the 3080 launch but its a slow process and we have done all we can since that launch to try and improve what we have and though its still not ideal the 6800 launch has gone smoother for us.
The simple fact is AMD shipped us less than 100 XT's and in the couple of minutes window the order button was live we sold a lot more and all those oversold orders have and are being cancelled/refunded as we speak. Until our new systems are operational which won't be until next year we have to do the best with what we have and yes its not good enough at the moment when manufacturers release products knowing full well the demand and then have next to no supply.
Its not an OcUK issue, it is worldwide, trying to buy a 3080 online today is still practically impossible two months after the launch in the world, its more luck than anything.