Indeed, free delivery based on forum post number rather than money spent / longevity of account on OC itself seems odd, to prioritise sales based on forum account time seems even worse - look at me, 10 years on the forum and i had 1 post until last week. I read a lot here, I gained a lot of knowledge and I spent my money at OC but i'm rewarded less than those that sit here moaning day in day out constantly saying they won't buy anything here.
It's too hard to be fair about who is a 'valued customer' so any kind of pre-requisites will **** off a lot of people, no matter what they do. I'm all for the idea, but in practice it just ****** off the user base. If you know you don't meet the requirements, you will 100% go elsewhere, which may lose them sales if those that do qualify don't buy all the stock. It also negatively impacts new customers as they won't have the 'old timer' buff, so won't try which in turn will just cause a business to collapse.
Bonuses (free delivery / discounts etc) for being a long term customer is good, but giving sole-sale to those people will kill your business.
So will having a free for all that benefits the scalpers and miners. At least be seen to be doing something to ensure loyal customers are looked after first. The moment the gouged prices started it was game over for loyalty anyway because it was clear they didn't give a **** about anyone other than their share holders.