It's been close for 2+ months.
2 months ago it was two months away and Ivy bridge was 8 months away, today Bulldozer is probably weeks, maybe a month away while Ivy bridge is anywhere from 9-11months away IF it doesn't slip again............
so yes that 2 months has brought us closer to Bulldozer's release and further from Ivy bridge
So why not wait for Ivybridge? Or when that's out, the next AMD thing, or then the next Intel thing?
Quite simply, make your stand with the biggest upgrade. A good quad core AMD chip is still very good, great for gaming, less good for uber high end heavy cpu usage. Sandybridge was a large architectural upgrade for Intel, Ivybridge is a large process upgrade, but NOT a large architectural upgrade, on top of that Sandy(currently) is their midend chips, Ivy will be their midend replacement, their high end chips aren't out yet, and won't be replaced till probably 2013 after that.
You're looking for the big improvement, and skipping the smallest improvement for best speed increase, value, lowest cost, etc, etc. Sandy is a good upgrade, Ivy will be a very poor upgrade to Sandy with little to no architectural increase, Kessler after that, again on 22nm is moving 6-8 cores into the same space as mainstream Sandybridge, that will be the next big upgrade.
If Bulldozer comes out with a 2600k beating chip at the same price, Ivy is NOT going to smash it into oblivion, it might improve the odds a little or reduce the price, you won't notice the difference.
Likewise right now you can get a 4 core AMD chip, or wait a couple months for a 8 core AMD chip(hex cores aren't bad but they're kind of bodged together), its the biggest upgrade in mainstream performance architecture we'll see from now till 2013 from Intel or AMD.
SO yeah, this is the time to upgrade, when AMD's chips are out both they and Intel will basically have improvements but no drastic changes for another 18-24 months.
Its kind of like knowing that 32nm was screwed for AMD/Nvidia on gpu's so the 5850/480gtx would give the biggest boost to performance, and the 6970/580gtx would be very small increases from them. a 5870/480gtx would give you near enough top end performance for 2 years, while a 6970/580gtx would give you a not big increase, and in a year performance on the new cards would double, with CPU's the process's and dates are FAR more well known in advance so its very easy to see the best time to move into a new system if you want something faster. Intel's tick tock actively tells you which generation you'll get the biggest performance increase, AMD its pretty obvious aswell.