JF-AMD - bear in mind this is an enthusiast forum - we are not part of that 70% of common folk who don't care about the engine, hence the moaning about the lack of benchies.....
If BD doesn't perform as well as expected:
A)- no chance of getting BD
B)- Will stick with what they have if they are that loyal to AMD (until Bd can perform)
C)- Will go SB if BD doesnt perform
D)- Are going to go Intel irrespective, because of Intel's marketing power and push on OEM's.
If BD DOES perform as well as expected:
A)- Just going to be jealous - but still won't go BD
B)- Will go BD
C)- Will go BD
D)- Are going to go Intel irrespective, because of Intel's marketing power and push on OEM's.
Both B and C are waiting for Bulldozer - benchmark leaks would only push things in their favour rather than what most in the C category have done and jumped to sandybridge already (Fed-up waiting).
Leaked benchies will only work in the favour of AMD, NOT against them. Those waiting are getting fed up, those not waiting will get what they want now anyway (most likely SB as its the better performer)